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Who would you like to go back in time and meet? I would like to go back and meet my heroes and heroines. I'd start with George Carver, Mark Twain, Bob Ingersoll, Thoreau, Tom Paine and Ben Franklin. Alexander von Humboldt. François-Marie Arouet, then on back to Leonardo da Vinci and Hypatia if it were not for the language problem.

DaveSchumacher 7 Apr 19

Enjoy being online again!

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I'd go back in time to find the first person who ate a sprout and said 'Yummy', I would eliminate them so they couldn't spread the ghastly message that a sprout is somehow OK!!!!!!


I'd like to meet Oscar Wilde or Nikola Tesla or Cleopatra


Napoleon, Plato, ghengis khan


I'm not the least interested in people. I would only like to go back in time to see prehistoric jungles, see the flocks of passengr pigeons, the dodos, etc.

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