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I live in Delaware County, Pa, US. It is part of what was the arguably the most gerrymandered district for congress in the US. It has now been changed mostly to the Pa 5 which has entirely changed the democraphics of the race. There are now 12 candidates just in the Demcocratic Primary. I support Mary Gay Scanlon, does anyone else have any thoughts on this?

wathomas2nd 3 Apr 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Great the district got changed to a better representation.


I live in Lansdowne myself. From what I've seen though Gov. Wolf has really fought hard to fix the voting districts to be fairer.


Over on the Western side, just finished up the Lamb win over Saccone. Will be interesting to see how May and November play out, the republicans are trying everything to keep it rigged.


I live in Austin Texas in a gerrymandered district which has a slice of Austin and goes down South for miles to pick up rural voters to dilute the Austin Democratic majority and to deny us representation. I sure would like it if they recalculated the districts to make them representative of the people in the different districts but that is not how Republicans do business here in Texas.

Or anywhere else.


I'm not familiar with Mary Gay Scanlon. Why do you like her as a candidate?

Hi, I like Mary Gay Scanlon of the dozen. She is well established in the community. She is an attorney, not my favorite profession, but she is good, she has done some really good work in cases probono for poor schools like Chester Upland, her experience in elected office is at the school board level and spent 8 yr as a school director, 4 as president. She is a really solid candidate.

Mary gay is a solid progressive.

Sounds good...too bad I can't vote for her. I live in Florida @wathomas2nd

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