28 46

Atheist Agenda

How do they know us so well?

PS ā€“ Not sure what time 8:80 a.m. is. šŸ˜„

Apunzelle 7 Aug 9

Enjoy being online again!

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28 comments (26 - 28)

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Sounds like a typical day for me lol


Yummy, those babies sound delicious.

deep fried and on a stick with a side of mustard to dip in......making my mouth water.


What job does this atheist have? Driving to work at 9:30 am; 10:05 am finally walking to desk; and driving home by 5:30pm.

Word Level 8 Aug 9, 2021

Serving the Dark Lord.

@Apunzelle okay?

@Word Sorry, Iā€™m a Harry Potter fanatic and throw it in wherever I think I can.

@Apunzelle I have heard of Harry Potter god but never studied the religion.

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