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Let's say you knew someone (nobody on this site) who had done some amateur, or any kind of, porn. They let you know or strongly hinted at the existence of this visual evidence. For you this could be any gender, sexual orientation or sex act: would you watch it or even look for it online? For myself I need to stay away from porn right now and I decided that this has no bearing on how or even if I interact with this person. However, I AM damn curious.

kmdskit3 8 Apr 19

Enjoy being online again!

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NO. For me, no. Others? Then there is defining porn v. art. It's natural to be curious, but I'm over that. I watched porn when very briefly in my younger day. What I watched was boring! (pun?0 repetitive, emotionally vacant. Give me a good story. I feel the same way about James Bond movies (sorry)..My "no" for me is crystal clear. I know who I am, what makes me comfortable, secure and I'm not interested, especially if there is a hint of exploitation. That's the problem with things like port. It slides too close to exploitation of others' vulnerabilities. For other's who are mature and making their own choices...I'm not interested in being a morality cop.

Thanks. Good comment.

I also find a lot of it boring, and agree about wanting a story.

Yay! We have enough self-appointed morality cops. 😉


Not really that interested in any kind of porn, whether I know the participants or not. I tend to think of sex as a participatory sport not a spectator one.


id definitely have a look


Random person? Nah. Someone I was getting to know, and liked? Sure.


My former bf had told me he was in the "Boys of Brown University" spread in Penthouse Magazine years ago. Tried to find it online out of curiosity but could never find it. He went to Tufts but had a friend who went to Brown. They didit as a joke.


Depends on how the person let you know. If you get the sense that the person wants you to go check it out, and you want to, then by all means go lookie. We've either dodged or casted off most of our puritanical ways by casting off religion, so let's not halt progress by getting all squeamish about sexuality. It's healthy.

[slight soapbox moment]
There seems to be a strong link between sexual repression and obsessive perversion. It's no surprise to me therefore that a great number of Catholic priests can't handle the celebacy of the job and end up committing reprehensible acts against the children they're supposed to be mentoring. So please, no more sexual repression!
[end soapbox]

If it's clear the person doesn't want you to see or know, then don't. Somehow I doubt it'll be hard to get a mixed message on this point.

[edit] Just to be clear, to me there is a difference between being "pervy" once in a while on a fetish or a type of sexual activity that stimulates you, and full blow sexual perversion disorders. We all have those things we're pervy about - and some people aren't afraid to admit it. I see nothing wrong with that.

Thanks that was insightful and helpful.


As far as I can tell , porn has no story line . It's only about two , three , or possibly more people trying to get his into hers , for no apparent reason . In Europe , it seemed to me , what would not be on open TV here in the States , was routine on the late night TV there . I found it pointless and boring .

Some porn has a storyline, but only to set the scene and drive the action. As I'm sure you know, men don't need anything more than that to enjoy it, and they certainly don't require even that much most of the time.

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