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Apostates fascinates me and this woman has a wonderful resolve in walking away. She's still a Christian but makes a pretty good case for humanism at around 4.25:00. You gotta figure out what you makes sense to you and she comes by her understandings honestly. And she said that could change on down the line. I know most wouldn't bother with 5+ hours, but there's some real insights from someone like any of us, trying to make their way through life.

WilliamCharles 8 Aug 19

Enjoy being online again!

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For anyone interested in a longer free-range discussion on this, I wholeheartedly recommend the "Mormon Stories Podcast Community" on Facebook. The majority have become full-on humanists and I am truly impressed with their insights.

Ex Mo's don't hold back.


From the number of these I've seen the current godview post-LDS ranges from full on secular humanist, to some other form of "revealed knowledge" godview, and everything in between.

In some ways it feels like grabbing onto a new "true faith" for a few.


Just learned the background of the podcast host. Dr. John Dehlin is a psychologist who was excommunicated from the LDS church for supporting same sex marriage. He helps people tell their stories of their experiences within Mormonism. The story of the copywriter really blows the lid off of this anachronism.


The podcast host is pretty awesome getting them to share their stories while pointing out the elements of church grooming. Some leave and go completely godless whereas other still retain a nominal Christian godview, but they're charting their own course. They're choosing to be decent people and at least adopting a quasi-rationalist approach.


A regular theme I find incredibly touching is the children forgiving these parents knowing the indoctrination they had gone through.

What seems obvious to many of us was virtually unthinkable to them.


She might have her own planet some day. You just never know.

She's out. She's literally shaking her head about some of the BS she used to swallow.

Sometimes when I open what I think are apostate links, they're apologetics. I wasn't sure at first on this. She wrote the book when she believed, and not too long after bailed for good.


And this one was somewhat of a big wheel in the circles of power.


I could only watch the first few minutes " Joseph Smith is such a great guy" You missed out the fact that he was a total con man

It's a comprehensive interview where they talk at length about where their heads were originally at. And the amazing process of eventually calling bullshit on it all.

I qualified it that this isn't for everyone, but I had in on in the background, and found it a remarkable character study. I like her and who she became on her own, even if she stills clings to her new faith view. Baby steps. Glob bless her.

And I just realized I made it look like the relevant info was four minutes in, not 4 and 1/2 hours.


And this is recent. She came back to LDS after falling away and wrote a book about it, and fell away for good. Her marriage is now a mixed faith marriage and they're heading for divorce, but she's sure as he'll doing right for the kids in there's none of that Mo BS with her kids.

The interview actually ended with an appeal for friends and social contacts in the Tempe AZ area because her LDS circle cut her off.

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