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Shane Vaughn Claims COVID-19 Vaccines Don’t Work Because The U.S. Is Under God’s Judgment


xenoview 8 Aug 27

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Looney tunes! Hope he attends a trump rally soon! 🤣


Shane Vaughn is a raving lunatic. Why am I not surprised at this?

I had not listened to him before. Wow, hard to believe people follow him, let alone eat that crap up. 🤣


So, God kills off his unvaccinated believers in greater numbers than vaccinated non-believers and this guy thinks it's proof his God approves of his nonsense rantings.


Another uneducated religious nut bag.

He is a product of the very worst of the Amerikkkan education system.


Shane Vaughn ?. Never heard of him. I remember Frankie Vaughn. He was quite a showman

Shane is obviously trying to make a name for himself. That's where the Big Bucks are in religion.

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