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And... here's your sign.

mistymoon77 9 Aug 31

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I didn't vote for Trump. I voted for Biden while holding my nose but my fears about Biden's incompetence have come true. I am bracing for any or all of these
~ Republicans certainly winning the Senate and possibly the House too in 2022
~ Trump or another Republican coming back to the White House in 2024

Many thanks to Biden's and his team's utter competence in the botched, chaotic and failed Afghanistan withdrawal. Biden's team is putting a positive spin on it every day to make us feel proud of what they but the whole world is wondering and laughing at how the world's superpower with its military might, advanced machinery, equipment and technology, thousands of well equipped troops and sinking of trillions of Dollars into the country including building and training the Afghan army could go so wrong. Biden declared that the well equipped and well trained Afghan army will hold for a few months fighting the Taliban. It was not even for 3 days. Just read outside CNN and Fox News and you'll know the truth.

I couldn't disagree with you more. Can you imagine if the orange turd that couldn't even protect the Capital building in DC was in charge of the withdrawal ? How do you know the "...whole world is wondering and laughing.." did you ASK the whole world ?


Yes I asked the world. That is called the news headlines from around the world. I read various news and watch YouTube videos of clips from various news around the world. It is not curated news media in the US.

There was not a single attack in Afghanistan during four years of Trump. But 19 killed under Biden. Still in denial?

I voted for Biden, I want Biden to succeed but his incompetence is making it very hard to do that.

you embarrass yourself @St-Sinner


How? By not agreeing with you?

trump on the Hannity show: "... I was going to meet with the Taliban leaders at camp david, but they killed a US soldier so I called it off..." you are dismissed @St-Sinner

@St-Sinner we lost over 2,500 Americans and who knows how many allies during the 20 year morass. The fact that we only lost 13 in the close out is pretty amazing considering the number of people we were trying to evacuate in a secure fashion. Newspapers are hardly a window into history, otherwise Hitler never would have made it into office. There was never going to be a clean exist and all Trump did was legitimize the Taliban by having their leaders and best fighters released from prison. Perhaps another hundred dead Americans allies would have satisfied your blood lust?
And I suppose these don’t count to you since it happened during Trump’s term: []


You did not understand my statement it seems

There is a consensus among Americans that the war should be over and all troops should be home ASAP. But the disappointment across the spectrum is about how botched Biden did the withdrawal. Biden extended the March 31st deadline to August 31st and started withdrawing on August 12th. This resulted in lack of time, lack of efficiency, and hurried and botched withdrawal. That's all. That's what the world is talking about. Unless you know some inside story that nobody know about ...of how Trumps stopped Biden as President since Jan 2021 from withdrawing from Afghanistan.

I can understand our urge to demonize the opponent (Trump) but cannot understand how we are desperately trying to put lipstick on Biden's failure.

What's wrong with what Trump said? What wrong do you see there while you see no wrong in Biden's failure in withdrawing in ample time?

"....there was not a single attack in Afghanistan during the four years of trump..." <----- your statement. embarrass yourself. buh bye now dear...@St-Sinner


OK, Let's agree Trump was bad but can we agree on that Biden is worse? Or you insist on putting more lipstick?


Sadly, Trumplerite stupidity will continue to plague us!


Unfortunately not everyone is laughing.


This is a perilous moment. The whole of the GQP has embraced delusion and lying as SOP. They don't have positions, only hate and a bad attitude. They have no credibility and have lost standing to participate in policy discussion. It's mass insanity, plain and simple. They're a plague of locusts that we're supposed to live with and treat as fellows. We have a real problem...

Scary times, I agree.

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