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This CNN article is intriguing, all the more to me since recently reading Mary Trump's opening sections of her current book, in which she summarizes how post-Civil War Reconstruction was systematically and devastatingly undermined by courts and politicians at the time, including nearly all Northern officials. The Jim Crow system that followed was literally a blueprint for South African Apartheid.

Like Washington and Jefferson, he championed liberty. Unlike the founders, he freed his slaves


MikeInBatonRouge 8 Sep 5

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Excellent article


I like the "platitude" quoted: "I have for some time past been convinced that to retain them in Slavery is contrary to the true Principles of Religion and Justice and that therefor (sic) it was my duty to manumit them."


Nice catch. A bit too long but certainly an interesting fellow.


If news of Roger Carter III's 'deed of gift' and manumission of slaves becomes widely known, a lot of 'white privilege' Americans will be forced to acknowledge 'critical race theory'....

Hell! By this point, they have no earthly idea what CRT is, even in the most general of terms. Those f**kers on the extreme Right have intentionally waged a campaign to turn the term into a scary bogeyman catch-all term for any and all contentious racial strife. Reminds me of Ronald Reagan turning "Liberal Democrat" into a term of mockery back in the early 80's. By the time he was through, all folks could think was that "liberal" meant crazy spendthrifts who hate America. Never mind that Reagan actually tripled the federal debt during his time in office. Never mind that. Everyone "knew" it was liberals who couldn't budget, and by extension that conservatives were paragons of fiscal restraint. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

I think it is true a lot of them don't have the foggiest understanding what CRT is, let alone desire to learn about it. Right wing propaganda has them zombified.


Good read.

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