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Human DISAGREEMENTS are inevitable. It occurs any time there is difference in information, perceptions and/or assumptions.

INCIVILITY is NOT inevitable. Instead it is hurtful and immoral. It is used to disparage and/or to intimidate.

ANGER is justified only when one confronts willful dishonesty, attempts no hurt or exploit others, or attempts to intimidate, abuse, derogate, or deny rights of others occur. Sometimes, the best and most effective expressions are clear and coolly delivered delineation of the facts, intents, and effects of any such attempts to act in a disrespectful or hurtful manner.

wordywalt 9 Sep 9

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I limit my conversation with humans to as as possible to get my point across for this exact reason. Also I don't like most humans and give zero respect unless it has been earned. I will not waste my words arguing with someone over what is usually semantics.


but what is one to do when the high counsel of establishment solons is packed with intellectual cowards and camouflaged yes men? p;lease don't reply with more high tone alpha platitudes. heres an idea. don't continue this posturing at all. instead, make a truly free speech post, end the taboo on the open discussion of black lives matter, feminism , and the new american/world wide thought control.

I post whaty Ithink. This has nothing to do with the fact that Republicans have poacked the Supreme Court.. Most of your post is intellctually lacking in try7th and ourpose. And, speaking of weak aqttempts at thought ccontrol. I am not about to let you tell m what I can and cannot post. "New American/world wide thought contyrol: What in the hell is that?????You use a lot of loaded juck prhases. That is a fact.

@wordywalt There is no standard that allows you to use the phrase "Republicans "poacked" the Supreme court.

Our Constitution says Presidents nominate, the Senate confirms. That is exactly what happened. Yes a Republican Sentate would not consider Obama's nominee, but as Obama said "elections have consequences".

As you probably know many Democrats want to expand the Court to obtain a Liberal majority. That would be packing.

@Alienbeing You ignore he blocking actyions of McConnel to deny Dempcratic appointees, and the rushing of Republican candidates through without an adequate vetting.

@wordywalt I'm not ignoring that at all. What you cite is merely another example that elections have consequences.

Republicans are currently suffering because election have consequences.

Perhaps some day we will learn to elect people based on qualifications and not party affiliation.

@wordywalt ....i'll wait for you to sober up, we can talk then

Call me daft, but I was not aware of taboos on such discussions.

@holdenc98 That is just the kind incivility that I was talking about.

@wordywalt read what you wrote. would you conclude you were drunk?

@holdenc98 No.

@wordywalt .. well... differences of opinion. thats what makes a horse race. have a good day, sir.


There is an old saying amongst lawyers;
If the law is on your side pound on the law,
If the facts are on your side pound on the facts,
If you have nothing on your side pound on the table.

In every god or faith-based scenario I have ever heard all they can do is pound on the table.


All true, BUT sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.
That's been true since humans started walking upright.

Perhaps it might be better to fight fire with water? Or even better, removing the oxygen? 😉

@p-nullifidian Usually, but not all the time.


Sadly, it seems more and more often these days facts are ignored. Evolution, the effectiveness of vaccination, the moon landing, the Earth is round, global warming, the age of the Earth... these are all factual yet people casually dismiss facts as if science is an opinion.

And I see this being done by otherwise rational, intelligent, educated adults.


Yet sometimes truth is interpreted as incivility.

Truth can be expressed in a civil manner or not. That is part of what this post is about to me. Two sides, one the person making the statement, the other is the interpretation.

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