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Handshakes are a terrible idea. Think of how many germs can be spread via a handshake. They're fucking disgusting.

Dyl1983 8 Sep 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Just been watching "Pride & Predjudice", the BBC version with Colin Firth & Jennifer Ehle, and have noted the "dipping" bow/slight curtsy that was the greeting/leaving mode....handshakes were apparently very rare, & strictly for business deals.
Charming, graceful, respectful, & NO Contact! (They all lived in fear of diseases that can & did kill rampantly.....huh, imagine that.)
I suggest we do so too.......


It would be great if people gave up handshaking even after Covid is gone. I can't tell you how many times some as5hole figured that was a moment to show his strength.


I like the fist bump or, if I think of it, a bow with hands together to recognize the Deity within an individual.
Can also recognize the possibilities of another's spirit.

I see a lot of the head bow with prayer hands here too - though I like to think of it as an appreciation for the goodness, thoughtfulness or talents shared within the individual, rather than a deity, but to each their own.

Also popular where I live is to throw a shaka sign, to show that person is alright with you. 🤙

@Julie808 The Deity represents those things in Eastern philosophies, where that bow comes from. Yes, most people mimick so it's amusing to learn of origins but you name the values correctly. That is what we are actually honoring.


Seeing how many guys don't wash their hands when in the restroom...yah...


Yup stopped doing it

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 18, 2021

I don't shake hands anymore, a fist bump is as close as I get, and I get a bit squeamish even with that sometimes. A smile and an air hug is better these days.

I've never heard of an air hug. What is it? I like elbow bumps, BTW, but have one friend who insists on hugging every time he sees me. 😬

@Organist1 An air hug is where you pretend you're hugging the person, but from a distance, kind of like blowing an air kiss. An air hug shows that you would hug a person in normal times, but you are respecting the no touch protocol and health safety measures during these times. I find it more respectful than actually hugging a person, since that could be dangerous. (When I find myself in a hug I can't get out of, I hold my breath and end it before I turn blue from lack of oxygen!)

@Julie808 Good idea! I'll try that.

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