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Vaccine Terrorist.

"Right-wing activist Laura Loomer has 'brutal' case of COVID-19 and begs people to 'pray' for her - after once saying she wanted to get infected to prove she's had 'bouts of food poisoning more serious than a hyped up virus"

Yup, another Yutz for Hoax Cemetery. Now she wants people to "pray" for her. She is now trying to fix her ills with a combination of dog food and manure cures she found on the web. You know, the Go-To cure-all medicine advice for the stupid.

People like this degenerate low life try to make money from selling lies and I have zero sympathy for scum like this. Then get sick and recant. I glad she is sick as this is the best thing she has done so far.

After 19 months and 100% following the rules and doing my part I have reached the point that these stories have no affect other than wanting them dead. Their message is death and there is far to many wonderful people in the world and the only space left for her on our planet is a hole in the ground.

She is Vaccine Terrorist, a merchant of death trying to profit by selling lies to her gullible followers of stupid. She has brought great harm to others for money. Fuck you and die are the only words I have left after having my life and the rest of the world brought to its knees from bastards like you. I waiting...

Tourirst 7 Sep 18

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I hope Loomer can now see the error of the ill fated message she preached about Covid19. Many on the right have not believed and mostly claimed the virus was a "fake" and would go away when Trump was no longer president. We now see that this was not true and they have only Donald Trump to thank for their screwed up beliefs. If Loomer lives will she be using bleach or a horse wormer?


Aw, so sad, so bad, sorry but I'm ever so GLAD, she's gotten what she truly deserves, long may she suffer.


It's hard to be a Humanist in todays world. I am starting to feel the same. I also follow the rules, got my vaccine shots and stay home most of the time now. It's affected me mentally as well but I keep going. Just starting a new anti-depressant too. I am at the point where I think they are not dying fast enough. It's sad for me to think that way but it's so true now. I want this over with, I want to go outside and to live my life. I'm sick of stupid. If only this did kill the stupid...


And that’s her right

No one should have a right to be that stupid. This whole thing reads like the smallpox.

But it’s not smallpox. Not even remotely close. Have you read a book???

It’s the freaken flu with a .04 higher death count.



Point zero freaken four. Given the fact that we’ve had the lowest flu deaths over the past few years; what’s the real number????

If you have the flu; You have a higher likelihood of dying in a car crash going to Walmart.

@CourtJester Your name suits to a T. Since when did the flu kill almost 700,000 Americans? Is this Loomer?

Not to make others sick.

@Tourirst And your proof or support is where????

That is my point.

You have none. You’re a web typer.


I felt the same way when Trump got sick. I really thought it would be poetic justice for him to die of it like my mother did. But hell no! The rich and powerful are the ones who get medical care in this country. I was just told yesterday that I need surgery on my kidney, but scheduling it is up in the air because the hospital has a staffing shortage and "a few of the operating rooms are closed". Meanwhile, the same facility has a vax mandate for their staff and anyone who is not vaxed by the end of Sept will be fired. Some estimate that that is 20% of the staff. So when do you think I am going to get my surgery? My money is on no time soon.

That’s comical shit right there

@CourtJester so glad my misery brings you joy. I can finally say I have a purpose in my life. Thanks.

I'm sorry for your loss and hope you can get the help you need soon.

@MyTVC15 It’s not just you. It’s all democrats. Three days ago I came up to a wreck at midnight on my way home from the hospital that had literally just happened. Head on collision with a car and a semi.

Running up from behind I saw a Biden Harris sticker on the truck.

I checked to make sure the trucker was okay (and he was thank goodness. That was gnarly). I told him what I saw and he sat back down. He had already called 911, so I went home, took a shower, and went to bed.

I learned the outcome when I got to work the next day…. And I’m okay with it.

That’s how your side feels, and we follow along… we actually worked and put in the effort to have the education that is relied on for many things.

First do no harm……… but if the harm is done…… eeehhhhhhhh……. Sometimes we make our own personal choices too.

Poetic Justice.

@CourtJester I don't even get the point of your story or how it relates to my plight. I guess if I ever come across an accident I should look at the bumper sticker to see who they voted for? is that what you are saying? cuz if not, I really missed your point


@CourtJester You think that is funny? What are you doing on this site? I'm reporting you to Admin for abuse. You have zero business being on here!!!

@CourtJester, @MyTVC15 He is a bastard. He deserves the same fate as Loomer.

@MyTVC15 He is a creep, and I have reported him.


It’s not funny at all. It’s factual.

Don’t wreck and make me make a choice and you’ll be okay.

You’re not mad because five people died and I just strolled on past it. You’re upset because I didn’t help your side and I pointed it out to you.

That’s Comical though. I’ll laugh at that.

@CourtJester: I find your posts extremely incoherent.

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