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Meanwhile, in South West England, this serious debate continues. 😆

Cream first, or jam first?

Cream Tea is a snack most often associated with the West Country, i.e. Cornwall, Devon, Dorset and Somerset. It usually consists of scones, clotted cream or butter, strawberry jam, and of course, tea. In Australia, this is commonly referred to as Devonshire Tea.

Ryo1 8 Sep 20

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Cream first!



bobwjr Level 10 Sep 20, 2021

I think cream first, because jam is too slippery to have in the middle.


I happen to be a cheeseatarian. Stick with cheese, and it gets stuck with you.


Neither. I like to put a fresh knife dab of both on the scone's edge each time I take a mouthful. It seems more fun and it does not squish all over when you bite it.


Cream first!

Definitely, jelly first gets soggy

@Buttercup I was thinking that if the jelly went first, it would squish out all over your shirt when biting into it.

@EarnestEccentric Hahaha...I love this song! Ironically, this was the first rock song I learned on my electric guitar when I was 13. 😀 Is that an ocarina at 1:13?

@EarnestEccentric That's a fancy one! My ocarina only has a range of roughly a fifth, but it is shaped like an owl!

@EarnestEccentric ooohhh, you should hear me belt this out at Karaoke...except the sultry whispering parts.......

@EarnestEccentric A Touch, methinks!

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