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I AM NOT HIGH, this really happend. Fed the chickens and as I walk away Rico Swavy (our rooster) tries to jump Eva Braun (one of our good settin hens, we call her Eva Braun cause she is a fanatic setter) anywho, she aint in the mood and throughs a fit when he tried, second try she took off running around the pen screaming obscenities. Which probably translated to "I set these eggs all day for you and your baby momas you horny bastard, get your filthy claws off me, someone dial 911" You get the jist, finally she runs into the coop (BIG mistake), Rico goes in right after her and it sounded like Jerry Springer. Then, I heard a thud and total silence. Then Rico come struttin out but without Eva. I looked in the coop and she was just sittin on her eggs with this pissed off look on her face and a cut on her head.

Should I call the cops. I think Rico has boundry issues.

slavenomore 5 Apr 20

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This would make a great comic love it..


I had a male Pekin duck once who used to drown female ducks trying to mate with them. I called an old Kentucky vet and he gave him a shot in the wing, and after that, the drake left the other ducks alone.
But of course, you want fertilized eggs.


he is a rapist

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