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Trio of Trump friends accused of violating law while planning to "monetize" veterans' health records

" leading to the death of at least 300,000 veterans waiting for care as of 2015."

PondartIncbendog 8 Sep 29

Enjoy being online again!

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When people ask me about who I want to be, I always respond with pride: a doctor. It seems to me that this profession is the most humane on Earth. After all, a doctor helps people, relieves them of pain, and even saves their lives. And more friends have told me that more info here to the internet about anything I want. Now I doubt what I can do to learn as a doctor or go to another specialty that may still end up getting paid like doctors. How do you think ??


I realize that tRump and friends would be about as honest and trustworthy as a Pickpocket with 8 arms and the ability to be invisible at a street parade in New York on St. Patrick's Day, but a death toll of 300,000 in 6 years sound a bit exaggerated to me.
That would add up to be somewhere around 2-3% of the Total Deaths from the Pandemic world-wide would it not?

IG Report: 300,000 Veterans Died While Waiting for Health Care at VA

This is for ONE year. 2015.

@PondartIncbendog But surely NOT over such a short period.
I know from a few still living Vet friends over in the U.S. that Veterans Health Care , etc, is a bloody shambles to say the least, but that tally MUST include, sadly and unfortunately Suicides as well and over a far longer span of time.

@PondartIncbendog I single year, doesn't quite ring true imo.
Had that been so there'd have been a Hew and Cry that is still ringing out loudly.

@Triphid Suicides were averaging 22 a day for about the last ten years.

@Triphid Both the Inspectors Office and Military Times are reporting this. I thought it must have been a typo at first.

@Triphid I'm still waiting to see a doctor for a stroke I had in early July. Friends are worried. They are checking on me every day.

@PondartIncbendog If that be so then it averages out to 8030 Suicides by U.S. Military Veterans per annum and an average of 80,300 Military Veteran Suicides over the last 10 years.
I do NOT mean to sound trite or anything else but Arlington Cemetery must be full to over-flowing but now, must it not?

@PondartIncbendog Have you thought about circumventing the line-up at V.A. and seeing a Specialist at a Hospital instead?
Surely you'd have some kind of Health Insurance that covers that at least.

@Triphid The number certainly sounds suspect. Of course these people are all older, some WW2 vets.
I'll try to find more info.

@Triphid If I use Medicare, I'll have a huge out of pocket.

@PondartIncbendog Either way, at least our War Vets get a decent deal when they return home, injured or not.

@PondartIncbendog See, that is WHY we, the Colonials that some Seppos look down upon are way, way better off than you lot, WE have a Universal Health Care system that may NOT be 100% perfect but at least it works and for everyone including Unemployed, Aged, etc, etc.
And the U.s. went bat-shit crazy because Obama wanted to introduce a similar system, wake up you lot, you ARE way way behind the 8 ball these days.

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