"Christ is the Answer"
Comment made online about an innocent woman killed by a "Mugger" in Times Square.
What happened to this lady is terrible, and the "mugger" should be put to sleep. We're far too nice to these scum low life so-called people because of religion—Right to life nonsense. Oh please, enough with the Mumbo-Jumbo. Religion is one of the reasons the world is in such bad shape. How do you know it's an "HIM." You don't, and neither does anyone else. If you want to preach, go to church. If "Him" is so great, why all the horror on earth? Just because you believe it does not make it so. A book written 2,000 years ago is not proof of anything. Children die daily all over the world from lack of food, water and medicine. Yet, you sit in your million-dollar homes talking about invisible men in the sky while people die all around you. "Christ" is not the answer to a hunger child; money is, then food and so on...
"book" wasn't written 2000 years ago. "Book" was written at various times, by different men, re-written to appease those in power 500 years ago, and then bits and pieces slyly exchanged more recently to make it what it is today.
Scholars took a bible in a museum written hundreds of years ago (written in German) and the leviticus verse about homosexuality? Not there. Not 'homosexual' but 'pederast' - "the love of boys". The verse didn't say men shouldn't lie with men, but they shouldn't lie with young boys. Makes a difference, eh?
It never ends, this hypocritical dance of progressive agnostics. Righteous rage makes them want a murdering mugger "put to sleep". But their ingrained limousine liberal intimidation makes them loath to contradict, or even mention, their Black Lives Matter overseer's concern with "racism" in the application of criminal law. 1 in 3 blacks have a felony conviction, 1 in 17 whites do...... Duh? Does anyone know if the stats on violent felonies are even more inconvenient?
So that leaves only only one way for these "unholier-than-thou" types to vent their rage at muggers. Beating the tired old drum of opposition to the right to life movement. Of course its a good old drum, of course the right to life movement is nutty and harmful. But its the wrong drum for this criminal justice cause. and the comments ignore the hypocricy and wander about like lost sheep. business as usual here on ole ag.com.
There you go again.... pulling statistics out of your ass. If you're going to quote them at least provide a source.
Here's one for you: Innocent Black people are seven times more likely to be wrongfully convicted of murder than innocent white people.
@TheoryNumber3 ........do you think a foul mouth lends your words some special power? keep a civil tongue...............its true that the sourse of this statistic is secondary. but i heard it last week on an NPR mid day interview show. the guest who cited it was a "progressive" black ex convict who was head of an interest group advocating 2nd chances for the employment of black ex convicts. i give it creedence as a statement that was in certain lights contrary to interest ......... so, no, its not there i go again. its there you go again. ...........ps ---.if its true that theres a 7 fold higher likelyhood that an innocent black might be falsely convicted, how do you suppose that state of affairs came to be? "racism"? duh?
Personally, i am against the death penalty. There have been several persons proved to have been wrongly convicted, only afrter they had been put to death. Also, it costs the government less money to house a prisoner for life than to pay for the costs of all the appeals of a death row inmate. I think that extra money would be better spent studying criminals to figure out how to prevent people from becoming criminals in the first place.
I was once a huge DP supporter. But that began to change after the April 19, 1995 attack by Timothy McVeigh on that Federal Building, when he had said after his arrest that he would rather be given the death penalty rather than 25 or 25 to life, etc.
Just like transformation to Atheist was a years long process for me…….it was the same with my belief in the death penalty to totally opposing it which was a 10 year period from 95 - 05 when I was 30 and 40.
@CuddyCruiser Well, there is also the factor that death is too kind for some crimes, providing an easy escape from punishment, versus being punished for the rest of their natural lives.
@snytiger6 That was also what changed my attitude about it………the fact that it provides the easy escape.
Yeah, right, christ is the answer, that's nice, however, their god and their christ haven't done a fucking thing to help anyone or anything so far and it can safely be assumed that they won't do shit in the near or far future either.
They can take thier beliefs and shove them where the sun never shines.
These same "christ is the answer" forgiver of their sins would be the first to condemn "Mohammed is the way." Fucking hypocritical assholes. Make that Evil assholes.
"A book written 2,000 years ago is not proof of anything."
Especially a book written by uneducated peasants with no comprehension of science. If you can't explain a natural phenomenon ... just invent a guy who made it happen and worship his holy ass.
Just as there are support programs for those who are working on or who have successfully rehabilitated themselves from drug / alcohol addiction, there should be similar programs to help those who want to “dereligionize” themselves.
The Christian Taliban will do anything to push their beliefs and their own twisted mental state to anyone no matter the situation.
One is as bad as the other.
Christ is only the answer in the Christian religion. Others have many other answers and none of them accurately address the problems you mention. BTW, the bible is not a book written 2000 years ago. It is many books from varying times put together as one book some 300 plus years after the supposed time of Jesus. This is why the big book has so much confusion in it and it is also contradictory. This fact and the fact that the god of the bible seems to do nothing is why I could never be a Christian again. Other religions are equally as bad. Today I am "saved" from religion.
Or when a child dies horribly, and someone comments "Jesus wanted another little angel."
People are callously cruel in stroking their own corrupted beliefs.