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I thought Marje would like to see this...


Northern lights put on dreamy show across British Columbia

Lilac-JadeCanada 9 Oct 12

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Fantastic display…thank you for posting and bringing it to my attention.

Yes, I really thought you'd like to see this. Such beauty!


Some of the lovely photos posted. Go see the best ones at the link.


Very cool

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 12, 2021

I read in the news that there has been a Coronal Mass Eruption on the Sun and it has been causing the Polar lights to become much brighter and even visible in areas where they've not been seen for a very long time.

Beautiful to see, & they crackle with their movement.

@Lilac-JadeCanada Back in 1988 we had the Southern Lights doing their dance over Broken Hill for 3 nights in a row due to another Coronal Mass Eruption from the Sun.
Even though Lorrae was only 4 years old at the time, we sat up and watched the every night until we were finally too tired to stay awake.
I've never forgotten that Lorrae called them " The Stars having a Birthday Party."

@Triphid Such a great memory.

@Lilac-JadeCanada It's funny the things little kids can come up with to reason out why things are happening isn't it.

@Triphid Kid logic.

@Lilac-JadeCanada Plus one of the things I learned as an Amateur Radio Operator was that pointing your Beam Antenna INTO the Auroras would enhance the "skip" ( the bounce from the Ionosphere) of your radio transmission by approx. 15-24%.
And it really worked as well.


Gorgeous magical wow! ! !

I have seen them a couple of times, & they are noisy with crackling sounds.

An amazing wonder of nature!


I can remember an extremely rare night in the early 1950s when the Northern Lights actually reached northern Florida. The night sky was lit with flowing red. I didn't understand it and that was in my teenage religious years and I wondered if that was some religious sign.


That may have been the night my sister tried to awaken me to see them in Detroit.

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