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Well,, hell.... Can you blame him?? Who wouldn't want a new fence around their house?? 🙄 []

Captain_Feelgood 8 Oct 26

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People coming across the border illegally are mostly peaceful. Conservative asshats within the country are mostly violent. If the conservatives try to even kill one of their own, Pence, imagine the risk to Biden.


Apples and oranges.
One has nothing to do with the other.

Conflating the two is disingenuous, at best.
Deliberately deceptive, at worst.

In the case of the border wall, it has never prevented the majority of illegal immigration or drug smuggling.
It wouldn't matter if every inch of the southern border were walled and patrolled 24/7.
The facts are, more drugs and illegal immigrants enter this country through airport and sea ports.
The southern border is nothing but a dog whistle for reactionaries and those with agendas. A border wall accomplishes nothing.
An upgraded fence around Biden's home is nowhere near the same thing.
Not for nothing, but the cost of it is a mere drop in the bucket compared to the money paid for various security services to 45's companies and properties during, and since, his term.

The hypocrisy of this kind of reporting has been fueling the lies of election corruption and lies at the root of the January 6th insurrection.
Gullible people believing the lies of those who know they're lying, but not having any problem with perpetrating a treasonous fraud.


This member and Holdenc seem to share a brain cell


Of course there are illegal guns in Australia, however the majority of people do not have guns and don't feel a need to acquire them either. You are talking about the criminals here and don't go on about that you need to defend yourself and your family because when a criminal has a gun there is no way that you will be able to get your gun and defend yourself.


We should have paid for a fence around Maro Lago, we could just lock the door and keep supplies from arriving.


Wish we could could build a fence around the Orange lil' Dicktaster..WAIT, let's put him behind a fence that already built, like Levenworth..yeah,yeah that's the ticket..


A security fence around his home means fewer secret service may be needed. However, with the Oath Keepers, Q-anon and all the right win gun groups, it is just prudent to increase security around the president


With so many fucking maniacs in the republican party, it makes sense for our president to be protected from them.


Haha.... funny how so many folks here think I don't agree with Slow Biden getting a fence put up around his house.... Remember,,, fences are good! 😁

What am imbecile and cretin you are, what is funny is your asinine right wing treasonous ass which nobody with half a brain supports.

@Mofo1953 .......almost no obscene references here. good work! still pretty abusive, but no actual dirty words. you seem to be getting better. are you in tourrettes therapy treatment? is it a taught control technique to aproach/avoid using a dirty word by using a proximal homonyn in its place?

@holdenc98 Your obsession with my posts prove you are a third rate stalker, just an imbecile who wants to get my attention so you can bend over and get me to fill your disgusting rectum or even worse, your usually ass kissing mouth to suck my dick, but as I have told you many times before, I don't go that way, so go look for your cock craving somewhere else, you're not gonna get it from me ever, period. Now go away you disgusting insect, you are dismissed once again, go away and bother those who might go for your cock craving, hopefully this time you'll realize that it is useless to pursue your childish stalking and go back to the troll hole from where you crawl to spew the usual moronic idiocy you can't avoid regurgitating due to your lack of a brain.

@Mofo1953 .... believe me, im truly the opposite of obsessed. but you do have a mind that's kind of like a blinking chartruse road apple. while sweeping it off the road, i can't resist poking it with my broom handle one more time, just to see one more so predictable tourettes light show. you never disappoint. and in fairness to me, i always advise you to simply keep quiet.


Biden's home and the border wall fence are two separate things entirely. The Trump border wall fence is a political ploy at best. The fence has been cut through, climbed, tunneled under, and I'm sure it can also be flown over by planes and drones. The border wall fence does not keep drugs or people out. It is simply a political talking point. I'm still afraid that Canadians will cross over and kill me in the middle of the night. Trump used that kind of fear with his border wall.

So, by your own logic (if that's what you want to call it), a wall/fence around Biden's 'Summer Home' would be worthless as well.. .🙄 Seriously,, do you people even think about the stupid shit you put on here before hitting the Reply button? Nobody said the Border Wall would keep everyone out,, but it sure as hell would keep a shit load of them out.

Why are you people so much against upholding our immigration laws? What's wrong with having a sovereign country like everyone else (that wants to)? Every other country, that wants to, controls who comes in their country.. There are REALLY GOOD reasons for doing so... Get over it!

Fences do work, but they must be built. Even Joe knows that.


I never read crap from town hall, a well known ultra right website, protecting the president from ultra right assholes is the duty of our security agencies, to compare this with the imbecilic Trump wall in Texsucks is such a load of crap because even the impenetrable wall that cost billions of dollars went down for improper construction and the one part that stands can easily be climbed by anyone as is constantly shown on the media.

oh oh !! looks like a relapse. i count 5 dirty words: "crap, assholes, sucks, and crap", again. and also, one abusive word: " imbicilic". you seem to overwork imbecilic. maybe you could learn 2 or 3 other abusers, mix em up, and thus camouflage your problem. but don't give up. and remember, when all else fails, your good freind silence will always help you.

@holdenc98 Or you must go to a dictionary and try to learn how to properly spell friend, not that you have one, but hey, practice what you preach and learn to be silent so you don't embarrass yourself constantly. And as I have told you many times before, your craving for my dick entering any of your disgusting holes is never going to happen, but I guess not having even a modicum amount of brain impedes your comprehension of even simple concepts like that. You're dismissed now, go bother people that are more akin to your intellect, although there aren't that many cretins here, perhaps the right wing morons you can find here can accommodate your cock craving while being more at your low IQ level.

@Mofo1953 .what? now youre literally copying me? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, zzzzzzz.

@holdenc98 That's the sound of the vibrator you stick up your ass only because you'll never get mine, relax dude, you might get real cock from feel-good.

@Mofo1953 your a discrace to shitheads and assholes everywhere.

@holdenc98 oh I'm so hurt by your misspellings again, what to do? Oh well, I guess it's all that semen splooged on your face that precludes you from clearly seeing your child level spelling or is it just extremely low IQ? Tough to say because evidence of cretinism in your language usage is abundant and so is your fondness, alas, unrequited, desire for a cock invasion of your many disgusting holes.

@holdenc98 I checked your profile to see if there was something, anything, a tiny iota of a redeeming factor, to at least give you some pity, unfortunately only more ignorance compounded to the nth degree. It is truly amazing to see "mens" and "womens" there, as if a slow child had written your low IQ revealing beatings. I suggest you return to kindergarten to learn basic English.

@Mofo1953 you, sir, are a simple, uncomplicated, turd .

@holdenc98 Oh, wow, another toddler level zinger from the ignorant ejaculate recipient.

@Mofo1953 ....turd .........

@holdenc98 OMG, now you really got me with your inept and pathetic retort, the vastness of your vocabulary emulates that of a kid with mental retardation, too much cock sucking or perhaps semen swallowing has had to contribute I'm sure.

@holdenc98 Funny how he never reads 'crap from town hall', yet knows exactly what this article says, and is all about.. 🤣 What a loser he is.. Again, I suggest you just ignore him,,, it's not worth your time or energy. I kind of feel sorry for him.. 🥱

@Captain_Feelgood traitors with Trump, are the biggest losers of them all, following the insurrectionist that lost not only the white house, congress and the senate, triple loser, followed by blind ass kissers. Bye LOSER!


Of course he needs a fence. Guns are far too readily available in the US and just look at what happens there all the time.

Any gun can shoot a bullet from the fence into the house, so your comment is stupid. Additionally since you are not resident in the U.S. you apparently don't realize that gun laws are based on what our Constitution says about rights. To change guns laws one would first have to change our Constitution. To change our Constitution it requires a 66% vote in both the House and th Sentate and then 66% of all the State Legislatures must approve the change.

Even you should realize that it would be impossible to get the required 66% of Federal AND State Legislatures to approve any such move.

In the US you have the right to carry a loaded gun to defend yourself against criminals. In Australia you are at the mercy of the criminals so what in the hell are you talking about?

Don't bother @Alienbeing , @Trajan61 .. You'll find reasoning with this tard is useless... This self righteous ninny apparently thinks guns are outlawed and unavailable in Australia,,, and there is no gun violence there. 😜 Ignoring her is rather satisfying really.

@Captain_Feelgood I agree!

@Alienbeing, @Trajan61 You obviously have no clue about guns in Australia at all.

@Alienbeing, @Trajan61, @Captain_Feelgood Self righteous ninny knows more about guns in Australia than you do. You do need to educate yourself about gun violence in Australia and gun ownership. How about you do that and compare it with what is happening in the US. By the way when you answer someone it is hardly ignoring. There is another reason why you need educating. Twatt.

Not according to this evidence, @Jolanta (you wish you had a twatt.. 😆) ....

Don't worry, @Trajan61, @Alienbeing ,, We can go to Kangaroo land and get a gun if we want to... very easily.. 🙄 And from what I can see,, we'll certainly want one for self defense for sure..

@Jolanta You are obviously very confused. I never made any comment about guns in Australia.

Perhaps you can comment on what I said, not what you made up.

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