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Understanding and Disabling the Trumpite Cult, Part III

Finally, let’s address the issues of how we disable the Cult of Trump, We do it by a “full court Press” aimed at disabling or removing all of the social and political structures and mechanisms which enable and sustain the cult. Still we do not have to achieve all of the needed action at once. Piecemeal change works if and when you change enough pieces

Among the actions that I would recommend are the following:

  1. Mount a concerted sustained political effort to identify and pick off vulnerable Trump political enablers among politicians at all levels, pick and totally support – financially and informationally -- good opposing candidates with whom the public can readily identify, and pick the enablers off, one by one.
  2. Change campaign finance laws to eliminate dark money and corporate campaign contributions. Corporations are not people and have no right to vote. Pass legislation which overturns the Citizens United ruling.
  3. Outlaw all private militias and insurrectionist groups. At the same time, increase law enforcement against all groups promoting domestic unrest and violence.
  4. Pass federal legislation which makes threats against elected and or appointed officials from local school boards to the presidency, for simply acting in good conscience to uphold law, a federal crime. All such treats are designed to undermine democracy and create political and social chaos.
  5. Pass legislation which emphasizes that the right to vote is constitutionally a universal right among all citizens in good standing; Therefore, the requirements for voter and the voting conditions should be the same across our entire nation. Further, no requirements for voting should be enacted which are designed to limit voter access among any targeted group.
  6. . Pass legislation which would regulate the social media on the issues of using algorithms which use hate speech, misinformation, and conspiracy theories to increase profits.
  7. Flood the media with the truth and identifying who is spreading misinformation and why.

I would appreciate any ideas on other actions which would help to disable the cult of Trump. Let’s do this and let’s start NOW!!!!!!!

wordywalt 9 Oct 28

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Do nothing. It is already sick and will start to die soon, the one thing that could revive it is a aggressive stance by liberals creating a right wing reaction, especially getting them to unite.




Ya got most of the progressive's (Fascist's) playbook.

In other words:::::: all the 1984 objectives

1: deny free speech
2: denounce all those who oppose your impositions and restrictions
3: de-person (cancel) any who attempt to defend themselves
4: accuse your 'enemies' of doing what you actually are
5: demand reeducation (Very Chinese of you)

And what do you get? Venezuela, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Russia, Nazi Germany, China, North Korea, Cuba, Turkey,... All totalitarian. You would not last a month in any of those places spewing such ignorance.



Time to buy a vowel.

Nothing you say is true!!!!!!


until the ability to change what people desire to think and believe is gained the trump admiration is set. Not what people "think" they believe, but what they "desire" to believe must be changed. so, when trump people no longer want to believe in him they won't. otherwise.....


Here’s a very simple law that could be passed which probably would have prevented what we saw on January 6 as well as us being in the current situation:

Make it a requirement for holding any public office that, subsequent any warranted legal appeal process, the losing candidate will concede defeat by reaching out to the winning candidate and congratulating him or her (on a recorded conversation). Further, that the office of the President of the United States will visibly demonstrate the peaceful transition of power by a public tour of the Presidential Residence and a hail and farewell that includes a shaking of hands on the steps of the White House.

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