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This is very bad.

Organist1 8 Nov 17

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I saw this, too. Not a good trend at all


What else is new? Covid-19 had many terrifying characteristics from the get go. Humanity could easily have set up a global system to prevent something like Covid from getting out of control, experts were sounding the alarm about emergent diseases more than 4 decades ago. Instead most governments are about preserving the wealth of the rich, which they have done a great job of during the pandemic. We're basically not an intelligent species, just shaved greedy chimps.

I couldn't agree more. I read Laurie Garrett's "The Coming Plague" when it first came out, and yes; scientists knew all about it, but the people in the government had other things to spend money on, like themselves. People got very complacent after antibiotics came out, thinking that we could survive anything. Haha- guess what? Bacteria and viruses are outsmarting us. It's Earth's way of cleaning house.

@Organist1 "Nature bats last."


There's no evidence yet that it spreads back to humans. I'm curious is there's a risk eating venison from an infected animal. With the price of beef, I was tempted to go hunting for the first time in years. It's expensive. To go up there, buy ammo and it's not cheap to have them butcher a deer and provide a freezer order. Too cold up there.

Have you tried Impossible meat? It's really good. Even my enthusiastically meat-eating son loves it. It's cheaper than beef, but you can't buy a steak. It's just burger.

@Organist1 Not for me. I've just been eating chicken, pork mostly. They are both fairly cheap. Beef mostly went through the roof. I saw Turkeys 99¢ a pound. I think gas and diesel prices in the transport of cattle contribute to the rise in beef. Ranchers claim they aren't getting the windfall, ADM and Cargill are. I bought some top round pretty cheap and shoulder made a pot roast which I like. Can't justify paying $14 pound for ribeye tho. Shrimp is relatively reasonable anymore.

@barjoe Hasn't affected me, either, because I haven't eaten red meat since 1971. 😀 Unfortunately, fish prices have risen, and I eat a fair amoung of that. I get Imperfect Food delivered every 2 weeks. They have good deals on undersized chicken and surplus things. I guess if you shop around, the deals are still there. Colonial Meat Market is a great place to go for poultry.

There's a place out in Parkesburg that does butchering: Hershey's Market.


The United States has a strong hunting culture, so coming into contact with infected animals could prove more hazardous than normal.


I suggest not to go licking deer and other wildlife.

Thank you for that, I had' not even considered that and I would assume the risk could be even greater if the deer was horny?

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