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I encourage everyone to trade up your weapons for web puns.

Willow_Wisp 8 Nov 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Now here's a person that gets it!
Love you Fernapple.

@Willow_Wisp Love you too.


Funny, I've been considering the opposite choices considering how openly the Rethugs have embraced Fascism.

I hope it doesn't come to that, but do you know about the Stonewall riots?
They were a series of spontaneous demonstrations by members of the gay community in response to a police raid that began in the early morning hours of June 28, 1969, at the Stonewall Inn in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of New York.
But the first acts of retaliation against injustice were initiated by trans-women, they didn't act until it was utterly hopeless not to act, but when they acted they changed society, they changed the laws, they changed everything, and now no one knows their names because the 100% Conservative controlled media doesn't talk about those heroines.
I mean we all know that the GOP says the insane wildly offensive shit they say so they keep everyone reacting to their misbehavior, like the little brother being an absolute shit so he can control the story that everyone else is forced to react to robing his siblings of the time and attention they need and deserve, in the adult world that also means money, they're robbing us of money.
I'll honor the memory of those Stonewall trans-women by acting out as much as necessary as soon as it becomes necessary.
Conservatives have no idea how restrained our response has been while waiting for them to mature, and we have made progress. It's all better than it was in the 60's through 80's that I experienced, but do I really have to remind anyone that Berlin Germany was the cultural center for the European LGBT+ community. It never dawned on anyone that maybe someone should do something about the Brown Shirts and fascist assholes that all wanted to play evil empire until it was to late.
Our fascist assholes don't realize they're fascist assholes because they think they come in the name of Jesus, they don't know that that is exactly how it happened in Germany because Christians never owned the truth that they were the heart and soul of the Nazi party.
Be warry, stay strong, remain calm, but if you must then I must, we all must act out to halt the kind of injustice we've seen growing like a tumor since Ronald Reagan and Fox News came along.
We will prevail, we always have despite our frequent tragic setbacks. Study those failures they're our strength now.

@Willow_Wisp yes I remember Stonewall..interestingly I was there, during it, unawares of What was going on, at the age of 12. That was the last time I moved through the world blissfully uneducated.

@Charlene That would have been one harrowing experience. Glad you made it here.

@dalefvictor not at all harrowing when your unaware and wandering through aimlessly..

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