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As a player of multiple sports, up to 70 years ago, I learned that if you have any character and intelligence, when you lose a game you sick it up and accept the loss – and learn from it to improve your performance to get getter. Today, I am deeply disappointed and saddened that so many of our people did not learn, or choose to ignore that lesson.

I have no real understanding of why so many of our people, including guys whom I coached, choose to ignore that lesson and sup-port Donald Trump in his totally false claim that the 2020 election was stolen from him. Trump’s actions show a total lack of character, reason, the honesty. In embracing that corrupt behavior on the part of Trump, those people are also embracing the corruption itself.

These people need to ask themselves: Is that the lesson we want to convey to our children and to the world? Do we really want to deny ourselves and our country the opportunity to improve ourselves and our nation by accepting defeat and learning from it???????

wordywalt 9 Nov 25

Enjoy being online again!

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The individual claim of not believing the results of the 2020 election demonstrate allegiance to the cult. Just like Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin, this is a personality cult. Also like 30's Germany, the Big Lie said that Germany would have won WW1 and was "stabbed in the back" (by the Jews). Trump and the GQP follow the fascism playbook very carefully, and the parallels are numerous. Most particularly, the fondness for racism by the evangelical Christians.


There's a new app which tells you which of your friends would've supported Hitler during Nazi Germany. It will soon be renamed Meta.

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