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Finally a step in the right direction (fines for the unvaccinated). It is being suggested other European countries will also enact such fines.

JackPedigo 9 Dec 4

Enjoy being online again!

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Considering the selfishness and Inconsiderate behavior of these people toward their fellow countrymen Banishment seems an appropriate solution. I don't mean exile especially to some island or nation where they can just make everybody else sick, Just banishment to a slow boat. A place where they can wake up every day and look forward to a day of shuffleboard, bingo, beer drinking and dying. Of course there will always be the buffet.


Great start


It will go to the political hacks in the Supreme Court if we try it. That court is getting ready to overturn the right for a woman to have autonomy over her own body. They will follow that by giving everyone autonomy when it comes to whether or not to take a vaccine.

Worst of all they will find ways to justify both.
Millions of unwanted children will be born who will not be supported with adequate food and education because many of them will have uneducated teenage mothers and fathers who will not have the skills to do so. Meanwhile the Republicans in Congress will do everything they can to decimate any social program help for these families.

Their vaccination rulings will also be used on other childhood vaccinations and measles and polio scourges will result. Those diseases normally maim instead of kill. I'm actually glad I won't live long enough to see the results of the misery their decisions are going to promulgate.

In the meantime courts has consistently upheld the president's right to enact such protective mandates.


Sure, it's too many filling up the prisons and hospitals. Their first step is to kill off the 77% old or Obese. Social security makes more for the Government than their national debt. The US national debt is 29 trillion pass that on to the youth .


Meanwhile…. Our state and Federal Republican legislators are fighting tooth and nail to repeal Biden’s vaccine mandate and any state attempts at requiring vaccination. 🤬

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