I am fighting squirrels today!!
Every task I start leads to a different one and the next thing I know I have a dozen different things half finished or just started. Then, I come here...
That third cup of coffee might have been a bad idea.
There’s only one true and tested technique for getting rid of squirrels.
You have them baptized Catholic, and then you only see them at Christmas and Easter.
Well heck... this is where your suppose to come to...lol. A big ME TOO!
Feeling like shit today-MTVmarathon all day-Eric Clapton, Queen, DavidBowie and ELO.
That was my week up until yesterday....then I got my 'grasp of the work' and did about 20 hours of work in 12 hours....and all successful...un-freakin'-believable. So, basically, I m rubbing it in...nah nah ne nahh nahhhh!