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Your first reaction about Trump's absence from this beautiful picture will teach you a lot about your bias and research skills.

TheMiddleWay 8 Apr 22

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It is great that he was not there.


Who? And look, Melania Smiling!


I wish we could remove Trump from the BIG picture. Perhaps the November election wiil bring the beginning of the end for him.

@TheMiddleWay I have seen some encouraging data to suggest a blue wave in November but you are right we can't afford to underestimate the opposition again.


Without knowing anything to do with the picture, I would assume he is either unseen because he was A) snappping the picture, or because B) he was not there. Since all the smiles look genuine, I'm going with B).

Deb57 Level 8 Apr 22, 2018

Got a pro-Trumper here.

You are delusional.


I wonder if Jimmy Carter's health prevented his attendance? Now that they are all ex-presidents, they all seem to really get along and enjoy each other's company

Not his health. His wife was sick, but he is doing some kind of humanitarian work and couldn’t make it. Our over 90-year-old ex pres who was considered a failure. I wish everyone could fail like Carter.

@Jenmcjen You are absolutely correct about Carter. There has not been a president in my life time who has been a better, more active positive force for our country.


The Bush Family requested he not attend. After dissing her husband, her son George and her other son Jeb her wishes were followed through.

Barbara Bush did not like Trump. Plain andsimple.


Generally presidents don't attend First Lasy funerals. There's so much to get Trump on, why waste our time with something less important?


Ummm so what did I learn? Did Trump take the shot hence he's not in it? Was he purposely misled to think it was his golfing day? Was he told to arrive an hour later than the photoshoot was really scheduled so as not to screw the picture up? Or was he purposely not there to make it all about him again? What did I learn?

SamL Level 7 Apr 22, 2018

His wife is there to represent his presidency, I see nothing wrong with the pic or him not being in it.

I wish he wasn’t in even more pics.


i see a picture of some people who at one time or another have been connected to a that biased?

Byrd Level 7 Apr 22, 2018

As I see it, it looks real good without him. And Melania's smile looks genuine - unlike most of the photos with her ... uh... husband.

I feel genuine caring in this group.

I also heard the orange one didn't partake so as not to disturb the proceedings with secret service and such. Right.


he is a fucking horrible C%$T


Now thats REAL smile on Melania for once. She actually looks happy.

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