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Is there a god? Unanswerable question. I don't waste time or energy trying to get answers to unanswerable questions.

eslrobert 2 Apr 22

Enjoy being online again!

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Why is it unanswerable? A man made construct void of rational thought and contradicting science. I don’t consider that unanswerable, that’s the answer. If I decide that I have an invisible friend just because I say so you can’t prove I don’t, but you know I don’t because it’s ridiculous. Now for a lovely day of visiting chicken farmers in Puru via out of body experience.


No. Logically and scientifically proven easily.


It is a philosophically unanswerable question because the standard gods are invisible / ineffable and most importantly supernatural. Anything that is truly supernatural is outside of nature, and we have no information on anything outside of nature. All we have are bald assertions with no evidence. Therefore, no supportable truth claim can be made for OR against the existence of god.

This applies at least twice as well to a specific personal god as to a generic / indifferent / absent / noninterventionist god. But it applies to the latter as well, so far as I'm concerned. Besides, how would you in practice distinguish between an absent, indifferent, non-interventionist or non-existent god? You can't. There's no way to do so because the net impact on reality of all those gods is exactly the same.

The least implausible sort of god (I won't say most plausible, and for good reason) would be an observing, occasionally impersonally intervening god (whether or not a creator-god). Such a god might be said to be consistent or inconsistent with reality in various ways. We'd expect to see the laws of nature fiddled with at critical junctures on some grand scale, some unaccountable directing of evolution, or something like that. On the other hand those are things we could very well simply be mistaken about or ignorant of the actual causes of the apparent discrepancies. Even there, gods live in the gaps of our understanding and vanish in a puff of logic as soon as our understanding is improved.


It is answerable.
Is there a god.
Answer: No.

In everything I do I am willing to be proven wrong, but until someone proves otherwise, there is NO god.


Which is quicker, to Brooklyn or by bus?

It depends, do you walk to work or carry your lunch?


Before this can be answered you need to define God

gater Level 7 Apr 22, 2018

Omnipotent dude that died for our sins. Go... 🙂

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