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Sen Ron Johnson rebuked by priests not only for his take on the vaccine, but his understanding of God as well.

Open SmartNews and read "Priests weigh in on Sen. Ron Johnson’s take on COVID-19 vaccine, God" here: []
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Beowulfsfriend 9 Jan 6

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I have no time for anti-vaxxers, mental midgets or god mobsters of any description.



The Republicans in NH have already outlawed vaccine passports, now they want to give parents the right to opt. out of ALL vaccines, including the one for polio. If the law gets passed parents can declare themselves conscientious objectors to ALL vaccines. Here is an article about it : []

@MyTVC15 It's one thing to abstain from the benefits of scientific advancement in order let "God's will" take it's course, even if it results in death, or as is the case with polio, being crippled for life. But it's an exponentially greater magnitude of ignoramic idiocy to claim that our "God" endowed immune system is sufficient for protection from all diseases.

@Rossy92 I think that it is a horrible thing for a parent not to have a child immunized. It is even more horrible for a legislature to put that into law.

@MyTVC15 Agreed and a given that this is a bad idea. Though perhaps too subtle for many, I once more try to highlight the difference between a poor decision arrived at despite an informed awareness of history, facts, & potential consequences, and the same decision, but arrived at through an uninformed awareness of said history, facts, & potential consequences. One decision is based on a principled belief, the other on a lie about facts which are actually falsifiable. The object of the o.p., Sen. Ron Johnson, is peddling ignorant lies, apparently unaware of the historical record of the shortcomings of the immune system in coping with polio and a host of other diseases which vaccines now have largely eradicated.

@Rossy92 And my point is that because of the lies that people like Johnson are spreading, we might likely get laws like that one I mentioned. There are a lot of nut cases like Johnson currently in the NH legislature right now. At one point they turned down the federal govs. offer of $27 million for the vaccine distribution. Who does something like that? A crazy wack-job, full of lies legislature that is who. They are restricting abortions and passing legislation that negatively impacts education. We need to get people like Johnson out of congress. period.


He one more of the rotting apples that are tainting our democratic barrel. Feed 'em to the pigs.


Gawd.....he's just toying with us

twill Level 7 Jan 6, 2022

Oy vey.


Sometimes reason wins over faith and superstition.

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