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Dutch athletes warned to keep phones and laptops out of China


FearlessFly 9 Jan 12

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Why does this makes news when we have known about this for over 70 years? Is it still a surprise?


If you can't trust a country to not 'hack' your phone(s), you might want to consider NOT going to that country. 😛

Yeah. They are such obsessive people (maybe due to training and playing) that they can't pull out and just say no. Once an idea enters their head, or an ambition, then that must be pursued to any end. This, in my opinion, is a consequence of the modern search for perfection. We have been geared toward that end since Gen X was herded into near mandatory college attendance. Grades that then became obsessionary for all kids to keep up. Perfectionary demands make a person sick. I made this about it:

@rainmanjr I don't agree that Olympic athletes are "striving for perfection", although I agree that they (and most Americans) are too obsessed with winning.

IMO, college is a pursuit for "truth", but no doubt not everyone (of any generation) is 'cut-out' for college.

My reaction to the video -- I don't see a good reason to pay attention to this guys' bloviating about "perfection"


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