US Supreme Court blocks Biden's workplace vaccine mandate
Good. if you want to take it then go ahead. but no one should be forced to do so.
That is sooooo STUPID! People like you are the reason we can't get ahead of this shit! So why aren't you out there protesting the vaccines that children get every fucking year so they can go to school. STUPID is dangerous, vaccines are not.
Unsurprising and correct. I agree with this ruling but not the idea of rejecting the vaccine. Possibly the obstinance was to make the objection to a mandate heard but the end result means sickness/death. The Q-Party has always been more accepting of those consequences than Dems. It's an attitude born from hawkish outlook. Dems worry about every life, ironically, after birth. Cons extend that to before birth.
The US Supreme Court clearly has an interest in promoting the spread of Covid-19. It comes to something when a bunch of senile imbeciles ends up running the country.
Weak leaders deserve whipping from all sides because they are weak and nobody is afraid of BIden's sway and power.
Democrats have lost all control on political levers in Washing DC and beyond even after after controlling the WH and both houses of Congress. Just imagine how weak and lousy the Democrat leadership is. I did not have hopes from Biden and that's exactly what happened.
All the big campaign talk, tall promises to change the world, to transform your life, to give free health care, free college education, make America like Sweden and Norway and Denmark have evaporated... they cannot get an ordinary infrastructure bill "as proposed first" until watering it down to bare minimum, cannot get voting rights done, cannot keep unity... All do-nothing liars should be thrown out next time around. Where is Bernie who wanted a revolution and was going to make America a beautiful place of all freebies to everybody??
US Supreme Court blocks Biden vaccine-or-test mandate for businesses