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Expect more worrisome variants after omicron, scientists say
Scientists warn that omicron’s whirlwind spread across the globe practically ensures it won’t be the last worrisome coronavirus variant


xenoview 8 Jan 15

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Also expect these "experts" to change their predictions in the future. Modeling has failed thus far.
This virus is now endemic in most countries ie no more "world wide spread" ie pandemic over ie emergency powers gone ie don't have to listen to these doomsday fuckwits anymore.

puff Level 8 Jan 15, 2022

We should absolutely preparing for the worst, but like our induced lethargy about addressing global warming, don't hold your breath in the US.


Maybe and maybe not. Being more transmissible is what enables a new variant to replace the old one...

"Far more transmissible than previous variants, Omicron has risen to become the world’s second-most contagious virus – closely behind measles. Omicron has an R number of 8 to 15, compared to 15-18 for measles, explains Prof Dr. Wasun Chanratita,...

It is a matter of chance whether a mutated form of Omicron develops that is still more transmissible. It certainly is possible, and given the rampant level of infection, the odds are probably not bad, but Omicron could be as transmissible as they get.

"Omicron is likely the fastest spreading virus ever studied...because the time it takes for an Omicron case to become infectious is shorter than for measles."

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