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Pope Benedict admits being at a meeting on priest accused of abuse in 1980. Says there was no "malicious intent." 😑😑😑

"Pope Benedict XVI admits being at meeting about abuser priest when he ran Munich archdiocese - CNN" []pope-benedict-xvi-munich-abuse-report-catholic-church-intl/index.html

Beowulfsfriend 9 Jan 25

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β€œNo malicious intent”? Are you fucking kidding? String that bastard up, and bankrupt the fucking catholic church!


The church has proven a long time ago they have lost any claim to the moral high ground. And yet they still get a tax dispensation.


I'll say it again.
The rcc must be sued into bankruptcy and oblivion.


These motherfuckers have no shame, fuck them all! And there is no error in the interpretation of my wishing them all to be fucked


So the Nazi Brown Shirt knew all about the Institutionalized Molestation and Abuse even BEFORE he became Protector of Paedophile Employees, aka POPE, did he and YET he did NOTHING at all except take retirement.
But that's okay now because he is, so he assumes, out the firing line and when he gets to go on the mythical, magical mystery to the place that does NOT exist to meet up with the Great, Imaginary, Invisible Sky Daddy that also does NOT exist then he can IMAGINE his equally non-existent conscience will also be clean as well.


So, now he is filled with shame and pain for the suffering inflicted on victims? Now?! What about then? This cult is sickening with their costumes and insidious posturing morals.

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