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JonnaBononna 7 Feb 6

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And more peacefully


I began drinking coffee in ninth grade when I was enrolled in Valley Forge Military Academy. Our breakfast every morning consisted of a one serving box of cereal, one 8oz cup of milk and a glass of juice. Each table got a pot of coffee and bowl of sugar. I discovered very few kids drank coffee, so it was the only thing I could have seconds of. And needing the milk for the cereal, I could use as much sugar as needed to suite my taste. Thus began my lifelong morning coffee routine! Two cups most of the time, I rarely drink it later in the day. And substituted sweetener for the sugar.


I was drinking so much coffee in the early 90s (insane hours very involved with work) that it started messing with my digestion.
Ok. I switched to tea one October cold turkey but I didn't happen to tell anyone at work. That year I got over 10 pounds of gourmet beans and an espresso maker for gifts.
I figured -- if that isn't a message, I don't know what is. Ha, ha.🙂

I still drink green tea with rare espresso treats. 🙂

BTW... The caffeine has never bothered me. It was the acid and the oils.😋

I have a weird kind of acid reflux that creates just congestion but no pain. I thought I was having pneumonia or sinus or something and finally was told e and I your nose and throat specialist that it was refux. That means I shouldn't have more than one or two cups a day with caffeine because caffeine definitely adds to reflux according to my doctor. I usually drink a couple more decaffeinated though and maybe the acid in it is why I still have to take all those pills for reflux.

That sounds like my wife. I wonder.

She has never been a coffee drinker despite having grown up on a ranch in Montana. But she's fought reflux all her life.

She still takes OTC stomach meds but her biggest gain was giving up soda.
I guess everyone makes their own way to one degree or another. I've never been a soda drinker.

@RichCC Minnesota's have a lot of caffeine in them.

Ha,ha. I thought Minnesotans only did lutefisk. (I am guessing that was device spell 'help' -- I get a lot of that.😉 )

@RichCC that was my lazy unedited voice text. It should have said many sodas. Thank you for your understanding comment.


I never liked the taste of coffee. Just the smell.

Started drinking coffee at age 40 after developing a sleep disorder. And I had a three-year-old.

Discovered coffee makes me feel happy in the morning.

To this day, I disguise the taste of coffee with sugar, milk and vanilla ice cream.

I started drinking coffee after my last child was born- she didn't sleep! She was born December 21st. Did not sleep a wink on Christmas eve. I was one cranky mom Christmas morning lol

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