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If I posted this in 'Feline Fanatics' it would be like preaching to the choir so I thought I'd do it here. In real life I get side eye when I talk about my cats and online I'm sure I get plenty of electronic side eye too.

For those of us who grew up in shit shows or other kinds of toxic environments we needed as many things as we could find to make it through. Many people connected strongly with their pets. For me it was cats. My cats didn't repeatedly ignore my boundaries, verbally bully me or engage in what could easily be called emotional incest. They let me pet them, play with them, feed them and purr in my ear. Most realized when I was sick or sad or even depressed and stayed close by. And I got sad when they died. They helped me make it through. That's why I love cats.

kmdskit3 8 Apr 23

Enjoy being online again!

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First thing I told the allergist "If you tell me to 'get rid of the cats, I will leave right now & save us both a lot of time'". I spent years being injected so I wouldn't keel over from asthma & eczema & rhinitis. But I had my cats & still do. Old man Budzig across the road had barn cats breeding freely. They would come over for a visit & I never let them return. They all were caught, spayed/neutered & lived in my garage. I had 16 at one point. Hey. What is our money for if not to facilitate what we strive for? Tula just passed away & out of no where Zoot Suit appeared to ease my anguish. Cats always find me. Special animals.

🙂 🙂


Yup! I love my kitties as well. They are the best anti-depressant!


What's the average amount of time you spend watching cat video threads on YouTube?

Usually here or on FB but not too much. 😉


I love my two cats SO much. I never set out to have any pets at all. But they found me and I don't know what I'd do without them.


that's why I love dogs.

@SallyMc not at all. all animals are better than most humans and there the best none believers you can find.

@SallyMc i know lol x


Cats are very unique friends



I love cats too. For me they are the best of companions. Our current cat - Jasper - is such a gentle and mellow dude. The first night we got him from the humane society he sat in my lap for about an hour. He was scared and confused. But I sat with him, petted him and talked to him. Took a while for him to come out of his shell, but now he is a handsome, good-natured fellow who is gentle with people, but also lives to keep the birds and squirrels in a state of constant readiness. There is not a bad thing I can say about him. He is great. How can you not feel better if there is a happy cat in your lap? That cat is a discerning individual and he decided you were worth the effort. I love the way their fur feels when stroked. I love the mild musky scent a cat has. And those eyes which can be either kind or savage. I even love those slightly disapproving looks a cat give you that feel like they can see the weaknesses in your character.



Love the face on that third one

That's Moose. I was HIS. The picture next to that one is him at the vet for the last time. I miss all my kitties but I still miss him terribly.

@kmdskit3 that is always so hard


I been through some really mentally harsh times simply because I am / was a magnet for women with NPD. IF NOT FOR MY RELATIONSHIP WITH MY CATS I WOULD HAVE CONTINUED SLIDING INTO A DARK PLACE OF NO RETURN! tHEY ARE MY FAMILY! Next topic?


That's the realist reason I've ever heard for liking cats. I agree!



Cats are some of my most crazy companions.

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