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A thought on this Russia situation and many questions.

Seems to me with all the Russian forces in and around Ukraine that other parts of Russia may be left, shall we say vulnerable to attack. Massing troops at that area would be a serious warning to Putin. In any case quick military maneuvers aren't possible with how things work democratically in our system and that of our allies outside of declaring war. Putin acted fast, faster than the allies can.

What could have the US and/or it's allies done to prevent the war in Ukraine?
Where is the line drawn now? At what point does NATO or any country step in?
Does Putin really want to conquer and occupy all of Ukraine?
Did Russia officially declare war against Ukraine?

FvckY0u 8 Feb 24

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This will be quickly developing….. I would have to assume contingency plans have been developed for years. It will be years before we learn the totality of damage that trump has done, but I would put money on his involvement, yet he walks free…


The following link provides some information on the natural resources and economy of the Ukraine. Of course, Vladimir Putin wouldn't be interested in any of it, would he?


Yes, off course yes! Why do you think USA and UK and rest of Europe are allies with Ukraine?!
The very same reason why Africa was colonised and most of Africa's resources still owned by foreign concerns. For starters South Africa produces 98% of the world's platinum and the list would be much longer than why Putin wants Ukraine. ...just saying.
Our first grade copper is exported to all parts of the world and responsible for most of the engineering parts worldwide, including Russia, Germany, USA, South Korea, Italy, Hong Kong and China. ...and I can go on with all the other minerals, gold, iron ore, diamonds, steel, plutonium, uranium etc etc etc Africa produces and export to the rest of the world and doesn't own most of it, so we at the mercy for handouts because our profit is with overseas concerns. USA, UK, FRANCE, DUTCH ETC
USA and UK were in bed with Apartheid perpetrators. They applied mild sanctions, was a joke. USA and UK had operations and concerns here, continued to enslave black people, paid them pittance. They contributed in a massive way to apartheid. They did nothing to stop it! USA into our platinum mines, UK into our gold etc. This just South Africa. The rest of Africa owned! Why do you think USA stuck their nose into Venezuela and caused issues there?! ...for their oil!!!! Bully power.. Now pointing fingers at those when they are guilty of the same on a wider scale. They raped Africa and continue to do so?! They didn't give a damn about mass slaughter of the natives by the perpetrators. ... because they were guilty of the same in USA! Plenty mass graves in South Africa still to be found. Sooooo many still on the missing list. Criminals passing down assets to future criminals which does not belong to them! Did USA find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?! Nooooo was a war on OIL. ...then ally with Kuwait🤷♀️You know that. WAR IS NEVER GOOD! it's not only Putin who is poisonous!


Realistically, Ukraine's independence was a temporary fluke. It's nice that the US tried to get Ukraine to join Western Europe, but sort of a fool's errand. Perhaps if Ukraine had ceded the territories that are predominantly Russian, that might have helped (too late now)?

The real problem is that the Baltic States have joined Nato even though they are also indefensible.


I feel heartsick about Putin invading Ukraine. Those poor people! Horrifying.

  1. Nothing . Putin wants to control his eastern flank He doesn't want an American ally on his eastern border. He will endure sanctions as he is trading heavily with the PRC & his access to caviar will not be impeded.
  2. Ukraine is not in NATO. No obligation there. But history teaches us that Chamberlain was duped. Give him a mile of the Ukraine & he will take 100. I have no answers but I know world leaders know far more than we & are commiserating on our next move
  3. He will install a puppet government if we permit his destruction of a democracy that is friendly with the west.
  4. Russia did not declare war. Putin explained he is liberating rebel territories that want to be part of Russia as the Crimean election "proved". So he argues he is liberating these states that wish to leave Ukraine.

I have no answers & am watching this unfold. Putin the Poisoner is a world threat as an ex KGB master mind. Cunning, ruthless, experienced, manipulative, omnipotent leader of a Russia that supports his effort to restore greatness again. His attempt to install a puppet government in the breadbasket of area ensures food stability & security on the eastern border. He will advance as far as the world will permit. The UN is moot & we live each moment with no answers.

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