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Before you trust believe anything. Keep in mind what your government does for fun!

MichaelSanchuk 6 Feb 28

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If you actually knew anything about Chomsky, you'd know he's not just talking about government but the class and power structure of America, the manufactured consent, as he calls it, and the ruling class hegemony that power has in a country which is not a real democracy but a plutocracy masquerading as a Republic whose sole intent to rule despite its long history of failure, bad policy and incompetence at home and abroad. If you actually knew anything about this inspirational man of the real Left in America, who inspires progressives globally, which I doubt.

While I agree with many of Chomsky's views, I strongly disagree with some. He mostly preaches to the choir, is singularly non-specific in his complaints, and utterly lacking in solutions. He's an excellent propagandist, but that's about all.


@racocn8 non specific in his complaints? While age these days has wearied the gentleman, if you look back at his interviews and debates back in the day against all manner of right wing media morons, and his contributions to so many excellent documentaries over the years, not to mention his huge academic contribution, the one thing that could not be said about Chomsky is that he lacks specifics or solutions. Frankly, he cuts through US hypocrisy and US class and power dynamics like a hot knife through soft butter, and even in his advanced years he still does.

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Ah, nice to see him without his foil hat.

You think Chomsky is a conspiracy theorist? Really, a man who has been regarded around the world for his insightful analysis of American class and power for over 60 years?

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He's not referring to government exclusively.

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