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"When Putin just decides he's going to invade Russia" I kid you not,, he actually said that. Well don't look at me, I didn't vote for him. 🤣

Captain_Feelgood 8 Mar 6

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Small minded and stubborn people are famous for not admitting that this sorry excuse for a President is off his rocker . Why can’t they try to understand ? Because that’s not what they want to do .They’d rather ignore this fool and watch him make a spectacle of himself…that’s just what they do .

Yup... It's as if they WANT to look silly.


Only an idiot would vote for that crooked senile SOB.


What's even worse is a former president praising dictators, and I had no problem believing that fact about the orange ass-hat, it's in Trump's damnable nature.


A president is only as stupid as his voters based on the economy and number of dead babies killed by bombs and bullets.


Yet his diehard supporters are still not embarrassed by incidents like that...

I have a better name for his supporters


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