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Morning all
Thank you for all the love. Please don't forget your plastic today on your way out the door to go to church. For we have purchased five brand spanking new ATM money grabbing machines. Just so you can tithe more comfortably. Have a grand day my friend. One of the pics below is the front of my church. Guess which pic?

MichaelSanchuk 6 Mar 27

Enjoy being online again!

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How I wish so called goers can see this truth themselves and be set free


Well it would not be the one on the left, what a blasphemy, having a naked female statue in front of the house of the self-same god who seduced a virgin, got her pregnant and REFUSED to acknowledge the paternity of his own child.
Plus, such a garden ornament would have the resident Priest/Minister sorely distracted UNLESS he were an Altar boy abuser that is.
Therefore I must be the photo on the right of the screen.


I haven't been to an actual church service since 1976. (I've been to a couple of wedding in churches. And I walked out of one when the preacher started in on his favorite religious delusions.) So, all this talk about churches seems so vague and distant to me. It's kinda hard to believe people actually do that kinda shit.


I wonder who paid for the machines and if you can do normal banking in them.

Does the bank periodically send an armored truck to pick up deposits? And are there bank personnel (including armed(?) security) with access inside the church?

I know this isn't exactly a church and state situation but it makes me think.
And is the church big enough to rate 3 side-by-side machines? That's more than a lot of banks.
And what do I do if that bank isn't where my account is?🤔

It reminds me of a blurb in Roger Zelazny's Lord Of Light novel. Their temples(churches) had slot machines.😋


I'm at my church right now. Sitting at my kitchen table with keyboard in front of me and putting finishing touches on my newest Windows 10. Having coffee as I do so and listening to TuneIn. This is a nice place for a computer as I never eat at the table. I watch a lot of TV shows from here too. Hard to do this is you are married. 🙂


You must tithe before entering. Once card is removed the doors open.

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