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Hello all,
I'm quite new here, but am going through some really awful experiences with my family because of my atheism... I am 47, have been an atheist for at least 27 years, BUT I come from a family of 10, and EVERYONE in my family is a Christian (the type that positively can't leave you alone, as it's their "job" to "save" you).
I live several provinces away, so it usually only is an issue from time to time, but nothing I can't handle. But now, I've come "home" as both of my elderly parents came near death this month. Actually my dad is still in intensive care.

Well, it started with my mother today (86, had a pacemaker put in 3 weeks ago). She started on the subject. I was hoping it wouldn't come up, as I can't lie, I don't want to hurt her, and I certainly can't start believing in fairy tales because it would make her feel better! She became very upset (as did I, as she let me know that according to her religion, I should stay in my psychologically abusive marriage, and just pray). She asked how I got this way, and I tried to explain, but clearly that was impossible without upsetting her.... I'm at a complete loss as to how to deal with this?

Then, I got blasted and put down by more family members for upsetting her. Then I also had to hear it all over again, how terrible it is that I got "like this," how can I be so blind/stubborn, how can I lead my children to hell, am I not scared of hell, disrespecting God, etc and on and on...
So hurtful and insulting. Sorry for the long post - just wondering, does anyone have any suggestions?

Just so upset, as this is making an already stressful situation so much worse ?


DanielleRT 4 Apr 25

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35 comments (26 - 35)

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Wish there was a God to help you out.....


That sounds like a really hard situation. you have all my sympathy. I think you can only tell them that you don't agree with them and you are not going to argue because it leads to upset. This is not a time to get into rows. If they tell you that you are bad and going to hell, just tell them you are sorry they feel that way and try to show love, not hate.


Hmmm.... its aways hard to explain to one sided simple people. It overwhelms them that your not like them. Just tell them to leave you alone and quit bothering you about this. Your not going to make friends with them because they have been programed to save you. Its all about fear and money and control. Its been this way forever. Or you can tell them to go read the history books and notice how the church killed people and stole thier land in the name of god.


I don’t have a good answer for you. I suppose when I find myself in similar situations, I tactfully end such conversations as quickly as possible and try to steer things back towards common ground as soon as I can.


I am so sorry you are having this experience. Families should offer unconditional love and support. You don't need to be anything or anyone for anybody else. I would remind them that you still love them and respect their views and ask that they respect yours.


Well with Christianity and most Abrahamic religions being fear based painted as faith they are afraid for you, hence, the word 'saved'.

Khmm Level 5 Apr 25, 2018

Yes a lot of us get beat up by the christians.They will condemned you to hell in a heart beat. Sorry you are having to go through this. You are among friends now. You will be okay.


Post length is fine, sorry you are copping this, old fashioned families seem to like to enforce everything on us. We may need a group for family black sheep. Hang in there, you are not responsible for their blind spots.


No need to explain anything. Just be self-contained and vague. If someone starts getting religious just calmly state, "I don't believe that way." And keep repeating it like a parrot each time they say something religious to you.

Also, ignore them every time they bring it up. Act indifferent, get busy elsewhere, leave the room to do something somewhere else, mumble "Um-hum," in a distracted manner as though humoring a young child. Don't ever pay attention to them or even look at them unless they are behaving in a positive manner, then smile and interact normally with them.

This behaviorist method trained my parents to stop attacking my children and me within three visits.


Welcome to our supportive but humble home. I would just everyone to mind their own business. You have made your choice and that there will be no more discussion around the subject. You are out numbered so don't even go there !

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