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What are the odds that Viktor Orbán's recent landslide victory in Hungary was legit?

Flyingsaucesir 8 Apr 5

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More so than Biden’s I’m sure.


We should arrange regime changes for these autocrats, Putin-style, or any other ways.

Putin deserves nothing less than what befell Mousolini.


approximately small.


I asked this same question yesterday...

Great minds run in the same ruts 😂


Not by the massive landslide that he claims. Lukashenko in Belarus probably lost the last election. Putin wins but not by the numbers he claims, of course credible candidates are not allowed to run. In 1933 Hitler barely got into power, after that he garnered 99.7%. They have to cheat, no room to chance.


About the same odds that tЯump won in 2020.

Trump lost of course.

@barjoe I know--that was my point.


Zero. Just like when Putin “wins”….


Me thinks they put their money on the wrong horse. The Hungarians must be thinking that communism was so great.


There are suckers, and the hucksters that prey upon them, in every country.. I'd say 45-55.


Zero. Non-existent.

Seeing as Orbán controls the media, I'd say that's a pretty good guess.

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