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Prof. Peter Schickele on Johnny Carson. ...P.D.Q. Bach
Organist1 8 Apr 8

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Oft mistaken for his big brother I.L.B. Bach, P.D.Q. Bach, PediQ to his many acolytes and footsoldiers was once a child, progeny of the modestly performed J.S. (Je Suis) Bach.

Best known for his seminal piece, and magnum opus Baroque Again in Las Vegas, this dissolute wastrel , incorrigible roue and multi-instrumentalist was never far from feckless.

Renowned for his leg lifting prowess, in later years he found work in twilight homes for the besotted, smirched and bewildered as a nurses aide to geriatricians and gerontologists.

So show biz was never far apart for Peggy, a sobriquet he picked up on the Strip.


Saw him perform in LA a couple of times. Absolutely wonderful!


Recommended to me when I was in High School by a teacher. He loaned me an album.

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