4 6

A couple more ‘hard’ questions: 1. What is correct: 9 and 7 is 15 or 9and 7 are 15?

  1. How many 3 cent stamps are there in a dozen?

  2. Pronounce out loud the words formed by each of the following letter series: B-O-A-S-T, C-O-A-S-T, R-O-A-S-T. Now what do you put in a toaster?

  3. Pronounce out loud each of the following letter series: B-I-L-K, S-I-L-K. Now what do cows drink?
    More to come

JackPedigo 9 Apr 13

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@ JackPedigo
1 Both are mathematically incorrect, "is" is grammatically correct.
2 12 presuming we are still talking about the stamps
3 Bread or bread like products
4 Infant cows drink milk adult cattle tend to drink water


1 Dogs (Latin cannis)
2 116 year 1337 to 1453
3 Until they die
4 Always a reptile sometimes a quadruped but often a nullaped (snakes, sidewinders, etc)

  1. mathematically it is 16 not 15 (When reading it in print I often fell into the traps of focusing on the wrong thing.

Those are quite correct well done. Except that lizards are not snakes.


I prefer the question:
"What is the grammatically correct wording, the yolk of the egg is white, or the yolk of the egg are white?"

The yolk 'is' yellow. But the whites, (Because there are two layers of white.) "are" white.


What animals are the Canary Islands named after ?

How long did the Hundred Years War last ?

Under traditional Jewish law, if there is a train crash, how long do you have before you must bury the survivors ?

Is a lizard a reptile or a quadruped ?

I know pretty easy but many fall for a quick easy answer. Scanning some of the questions on paper makes one (me) prone to snappy but wrong answers.


9 and 7 is 16
Bread, muffin

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