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Oooops, just upset Evangelidiot on this so-called special day for Christfools AND in front of his Mommy as well.
Evangelidiot has been moaning his arse off re- my 80+ year Pine tree, presumably a type of Cypress Pine btw, has been "robbing his solar panels of the last light of the afternoon sun."
Well in an EFFORT to shut him the F**k up I gave him permission to TRIM it down by 1 third of its actual height BUT he must NOT make a ragged arsed mess of the job and I shall be watching him like a hawk the whole way through it as well.
Well, the dozy Dip-shit must not realized that I was working quietly in my front garden building a new border of native stone for an extentsion to an existing garden.
I heard his voice, unmistakable as it is telling his darling how the "tree now looks unsightly and since someone has been making a terrible attempt at pruning it back."
The his beloved (??) pipes up and says, "Go in to next door and make a complaint to your neighbour and make him finish the job he started now."
Evangelidiot nearly gave birth to a of kittens when I stood up, leaned across the fence and calmly and quietly responded with, " Don't bother sending HIM in to me and having him demand that I finish a job I did NOT start in the first place, YOUR beloved has lied through his teeth to you, he moaned and whined until I gave in, for the sake of a bit of peace and quiet, that the tree which is btw, at least 80+ years and was growing here BEFORE you purchased the house for YOUR s to supposedly live in, HE started trimming away at the tree on the side you now see and hacked hacked at it for approx. 1 hour a day over 3 days out of the last fortnight, then quits and disappears back into the house or drives off in his vehicle to who knows where and who."
One can quite easily say truthfully that Evangelidiot was NOT impressed in the least with me telling her of his lies.
No idea as to why I decided to snatch a couple of photo of his "efforts (????) earlier today but they have been taken and now he is facing the wrath and music hopefully, facing the music from his Dearst for lying to her.
Almost 2 weeks gone by atm, I wonder how much longer it will take him IF he ever decides to actually FINISH the job?

Triphid 9 Apr 15

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Maybe he should just go back to scrubbing his solar panels.......

YES, and especially those found on High Rise buildings in particular and preferably WITHOUT safety devices since, after all, he does have Jeebus and Sky Daddy on his side.

@Triphid There ya go!


Bloody hell

Thankfully from my side it still looks quite presentable as it has always done.


He will not be happy until he has chopped it down completely.

Heaven forbid. There is every chance that he would drop it on the road and a vehicle or two, or demolish a fence (or himself).

@anglophone heaven forbid.... you little devil! hahahahaha!

He has 2 chances of doing that, Buckley's and Fuck All, excuse the French, the actual tree is on MY side of the fence line, has been since before either he or I were born and it WILL remain standing and be allowed to re-grow as big, thick and strong as it likes.

@anglophone After today he will NO longer permitted to touch the tree or any tree within the bounds of my property.

IF he tries that then I WILL take legal action against him because to fell the tree he will have to do so from within my property and he can and will be charged, if I see fit, with Malicious Damage to Private Property, aka the Tree.

@Triphid It will be too late for him to be charged after the tree is gone.

@Jolanta I won't wait until he starts chopping, I'll be ringing the Police and having him charged with trespassing on Private Property the very minute he set foot on my property without my permission.
PLUS my Security cameras system runs 24/7 and it recorded on disc, so I have copies of what ever goes on even if I am not at home.
Just over 3 weeks ago, my neighbour across the lane, Amy, heard a prowler try to open every window or door it could find to try and enter her house early hours of one morning, she called the police but the scumbag de-camped before they arrived.
Since the local Boys in Blue know of my Security camera system they asked if they could take a look at what, if anything, it recorded during the night, Bingo, great photos of the intruder both in living colour thanks to a very close nearby street lamp and even him trying her front door and front windows, with the whole set of images time coded to boot.
According to what Amy told me he is now a "Guest of Her Majesty"with quite a LONG tenure as his fingerprints and DNA matched 13 other Break and Enter attempts from as far a-field as Wentworth, Pooncarie, Menindee and Wilcannia.

@Triphid Should we reintroduce being buried up to the neck until dead?

@anglophone Nothing so drastic please, perhaps the Stocks and crowds being given baskets of rotten vegies, eggs, etc, to throw ( offer) to him instead.


Um, is he safe with a chainsaw? Is he still in possession of two arms and two legs?

(And I won't ask about his brain, as he evidently never had one.)

IMO, NO he is NOT safe with anything sharper than a spoon.

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