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Florida man calls for banning the Bible in Florida schools:
"Stevens proceeded to question whether the Bible is age-appropriate, pointing to its “casual” references to murder, adultery, sexual immorality, and fornication. “Do we really want to teach our youth about drunken orgies?”

He also took issue with the many Biblical references to rape, bestiality, cannibalism and infanticide. “In the end, if Jimmy and Susie are curious about any of the above, they can do what everyone else does – get a room at the Motel and grab the Gideons,” he wrote."

fishline79 7 Apr 26

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The fundies aren't big on introspection or self-criticism, as a rule. They surely never thought to critique their own fantasy novel, they're too busy dissing Harry Potter.


Ron DeSantis' bigotry would never allow that.

Murder, adultery etc in the Bible is fine, but the same thing in other books is not. Why? Because God, that's why!

In terms of equal protection/fairness, I'm hoping Federal Courts will throw out book banning in public schools.


IIUC, he actually sent letters to schools that had already banned books :



This is how to fight them. I hope it catches on.

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