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Oh what fun, oh what joy, just had the Evangelfool at my, thankfully locked and secure front door asking me why every time he tries to ring my phone number he gets nothing but a type of a busy signal tone.
Didn't have the heart to tell him that he has been blocked by the Telco from being able to ring my phone, so I just told him that maybe he had made a mistake with in-putting the number.
That and the arrival of the Summonses should keep him well and truly occuppied for a day or 3 at least.

Triphid 9 Apr 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Interesting how the moment he can not get hold of you to tell you what to do he arrives back.

IF only he knew that ANYTHING he tells me goes in one ear and straight out the other, it seems that I have evolved a kind of "Audio by-pass channel" that works ONLY when Evangelfool starts talking.


Hopefully not at your door every 3 minutes!


Should have told him his god blocked your number. That would have had him scratch his head for a bit. lol

Betty Level 8 Apr 29, 2022

You are a wicked woman. Carry on.

@anglophone Why thank you kind sir. 🙂

What a TRULY BRILLIANT idea, I'll utilize that one for certain.

@Triphid I'm honored. 🙂

@Betty Feel even more honoured since this morning I used your idea and it worked perfectly.

@Triphid You did!? Please give all the happy details of that encounter. What was the look on his face? You make me feel like a part of the team. 🙂

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