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Apparently the Democraps aren’t interested in free speech!


Trajan61 8 Apr 29

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If The Zuck wasn't a natural born citizen , I would include him in the deportation. See! We can agree on some things.

Yes we can. To bad we can’t agree that Biden is a terrible president and we would be better off with Trump. It’s looking like the Democraps are going to get a drubbing in November and that’s a good thing.

@Trajan61 No Biden fan here but I disagree about your choice of leaders for our nation. I am preparing for a take over by the loonies in the GOP in November by building a hiding place for when they come for me. I fear terrible times are ahead as a RePUDliKLAN take over means government will force women to carry unwanted pregnancy to term which is government reaching into our bodies. More tax cuts for the rich & tax burdens for the middle & lower classes, more environmental roll backs, and more mentally questionable representatives elected to attack our Capitol. Thankfully we can change the direction every 2 years by flipping the House of Representatives. I am frightened for America when people think President You-Know-Who was in anyway a positive Commander in Chief. Making money is not the only criteria for choosing a leader who supports a fragile form of governance such as democracy or republics. Bad times are coming.

@Mooolah Bad times are here right now because of record high inflation caused by the idiotic democrap policies.I’m worried about my business because what I’m selling is staying pretty much the same while my major expenses cost like fuel, fertilizer and chemicals are skyrocketing.

@Mooolah I agree with you on the abortion issue but that’s not enough for me to vote for a democrap. At your age I doubt you’ll have to worry about getting an abortion.

@Trajan61 I already had my zygot removed. And I am concerned with my fellow Americans, not just ME, that the government wants to control our bodies & what we do with them. I am not trying to get you to do anything. I am only exposing you to how I see it and learn for myself how you see it. Perhaps one might consider not being in a fuel sensitive business. Inflation is an issue that hits the poor & the middle class (if we still have one) the hardest. It is what Biden does with the inflating of prices. He did not cause it. But he must react the problem. Shall we see how he negotiates the solution? Instead of blaming one might consider how the Federal Reserve will slow the price rises with interest hikes. Believe me I am a supporter of people far more left than conservative Democrat Biden, to your horror of course. We agree on cannabis decriminalization, body autonomy, taxation of MEGA corporations. It is a matter of living together with different views. Electric vehicles for most contraptions will pull the rug out from the oil industry that has hurt our economy at there political whim. Now if one needs a large combine for crop development, then at least all of the other implements of small stature etc. can impact our dependence on oil. Leaf blowers, high polluting lawnmowers, power tools, all can be applicable to reducing our reliance. EVs that have a range of 250 miles is great for the visit to the liquor store. Not so much in agriculture. Perhaps one might find an avocation that is not as inflation sensitive. I gently suggest that one who survives must always adapt. Consider the worst & cut consumption where one can. Those that do not have a plan, plan to fail. There will be ups and downs where the economy is concerned as it is an artificial method of controlling business lest we return to pouring oil in our water supply of which the Ogalala aquifer is 30% gone with open air irrigation practices. We must change the way we do shit....ooops, stuff. There are alternatives to the manner in which we run our lives. The problem with conservatives is that they seldom want to adapt and change. They want everything to remain as it was. We can't. What the GOP has become is a hijacking by nutters.

@Mooolah Oil and gas is going to be around for some time yet if want to keep a good standard of living. Nitrogen fertilizer is made from natural gas and plastics are made from petroleum along with a lot of other products. Farm tractors I’m sure will continue to be run by diesel for many years yet as it not practical to have charging stations at farm fields. Farmers are already trying to reduce fuel use by going to minimum till or no-till but the chemical prices used in these practices have skyrocket too.

@Mooolah Biden’s war on oil and gas has definitely had an influence on high fuel prices and inflation. Hell he shut down the Keystone XL and stopped leasing on federal land which accounted for about 20% of US production on day one. We don’t need to become dependent on hostile countries like Iran and Venezuela for our oil and gas or we will be in the same bind as Europe in depending on Russian oil and gas.

@Trajan61 Might be off topic. The chairman of the Federal Reserve is appointed by the President. Powell was appointed by President You-Know-Who. If the country goes into recession from Powell's rate hikes, who is responsible? Powell or the baffoon who appointed him?

@Mooolah Biden would be responsible because Powell is only trying to rein in runaway inflation brought on by Biden’s policies of reckless spending.


Nazis and Marxists HATE free speech. It undermines their objective of what I'm starting to think is a Kakistocracy, or a Kleptocracy.. They truly are a sick bunch. 😣

Yes they are.

2 sides of the same coin. One worships a cult leader. The other worship the people while keeping a boot on their neck with a one party system. Nazi = National SOCIALIST. Not at all like democratic/republic socialism which is based on the vote of how we share resources so that we do not have an entire population of homeless veterans living in Los Angeles or lower Wacker Drive in Chicago. Out of sight out of mind. Thanks Raygun for cutting Federal monies for the mentally traumatized by war.


Sure, but just don't say "gay".



Oooohh, more from the rag who's highest & best use is birdcage liner.


Deport Murdoch

I’d rather deport Zuckerberg

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