3 7

Food for thought.

MaryChristmas 7 May 3

Enjoy being online again!

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I think people should stop having kids. I think they should have stopped in the 80's, at least.


Pfft, my ex owes me around $80k and literally no one cares so it's not much of a threat.

dkp93 Level 8 May 3, 2022

@MaryChristmas I've been to family court several times to inquire. I've been told I can fill out some papers but they won't be able to do anything unless I serve him papers. I have no idea where he is and I don't have the power to track social security numbers or passports, but it's somehow my responsibility to locate him.

@MaryChristmas I recently heard about the Deadbeat Parents Act so I'm looking into seeing if that applies to him and will be enforced. It's crazy that the courts won't do anything because he has basically stolen this money from me. If he had come into my home and taken it, the cops would track him down. But since it's child support, I just get a lot of shrugs and hollow apologies.


At least 1/4, and can get higher really fast. IMHO child support should start at conception. Mama's gotta keep a record of all her medical expenses and other expenses caused by the pregnancy, and the sperm donor should pay half. That would be a very effective form of birth control.

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