Debate motion: porn does more good than harm
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Post debate Poll will be posted Saturday
Most current 'porn' is all about women really having lots of fun....And it provides lots of education about how to make sure your women are as pleasured as possible.
Humans learn by watching other humans. Suppressing anything is stupid.
Yet::: "Age appropriate" always reasonable..
Sad the has been blocked.
Then there is written porn. Erotica. My extremely literate spouse turned me on to the site. []
The question is infantile. "Good" "Us"? Exactly. Porn is good for me as an aid to self gratification. Loved the debate & now I have learned what "dogging" is. And why impose a "meaningful relationship" on someone who merely desires to relive her sexual tension. You must have a "beautiful relationship". Says who? But if I was forced to vote I would lean towards approve. Addict? Get treatment to retrain the brain. Porn actresses are paid far more than the boys. Unusual huh? Consenting adults! Safe sex, of which solo sex is.
Okay, I stopped watching this after the first million words about nothing. Let it be know-- I am an 'expert' on porn addiction; I've watched it long enough!! Yes, YES, yes, about 10%, or less, can be erotic the rest is unbelievably BORING!!!! All the fake wheezing, grunting, and such; is this an advertisement for a respiratory condition? Most of it is laughable. It is a hell of a lot of WORK, and hours out of the day, to find something of interest. This isn't a mater of morality; it is a matter of how a fool wastes his time.
Then there is the really sick stuff- the perverts who have to play with the children. The lash would take care of that. And they don't even care about "subjectively"; what would they get from it? Little girls-- or little boys- don't look like grown women!
And if there are any serious women on here, after a day of humanitarian work, with a lunch of some inventive food, laughter, and frank discussion---- time to go to bed- with someone that one really "LIKES", respects, and wants to be with.
A long winded and complicated subject. As with most things, it's not a B & W issue and I suspect it depends on the person and the degree. Also, a judgement group comprised of mostly women does skew the issue somewhat. However, there are many women who use porn.
@OldMetalHead As usual, lots of speculation but no real experience.
@OldMetalHead parents who have never lost a child to a car accident often have strong opinions on child safety in a vehicle... They will often have perceptions of vehicles that are heavily biased by the potential harm of something they have not experienced themselves....
Does this also count an example of an uninformed opinion?