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A joke from my friend, Andrey Skorobogatov, in Ekaterinburg, Russia:

Джо Байден встречает королеву Великобритании и спрашивает ее:
Joe Biden meets the Queen of Great Britain and asks her:

Ваше Высочество, как вы сформировали такое эффективное правительство? Вы не могли бы мне дать совет?
Your Highness, how did you form such an effective government? Could you give me some advice?

Так, отвечает королева, самое важное – окружить себя умными людьми.
So, replies the queen, the most important thing is to surround yourself with smart people.

Но как я узнаю, что меня окружают умные люди?
But how do I know that smart people surround me?

Это просто, королева отхлебнула чаю, есть загадка для определения ума.
It's simple, the queen took a sip of tea, there is a riddle for determining the mind.

Королева нажала на какую-то кнопку в столе.
The queen pressed a button on the table.

Пожалуйста, вызовите Бориса Джонсона.
Please call Boris Johnson.

Премьер-министр вошел в комнату и спросил:
The Prime Minister entered the room and asked:

Да, Ваше высочество?
Yes, your highness?

Ответь мне, если сможешь, Борис. У твоей матери есть ребенок. Но это не твой брат и не твоя сестра. Кто это?
Answer me if you can, Boris. Your mother has a child. But this is not your brother and not your sister. Who is it?

Это я, без запинки ответил он.
"It's me," he answered without hesitation.

Отлично! – произнесла королева.
Excellent! the queen said.

Байден вернулся к себе домой и задал Камале Харрис тот же вопрос.
Biden returned to his home and asked Kamala Harris the same question.

-Камала , вот скажи мне. У твоей матери есть ребенок. Но это не твой брат и не твоя сестра. Кто это?
Kamala, tell me. Your mother has a child. But this is not your brother and not your sister. Who is it?

Я не уверена, что знаю правильный ответ… выговорила Харрис. – Я подумаю и отвечу вам.
"I'm not sure I know the right answer…" Harris said. I will think and answer you.

Харрис обратилась к своим консультантам, но никто не смог ей ответить.
Harris reached out to her consultants, but no one could answer her.

В конце концов она пришла к своему супругу Дугласу Эмхоффу.
In the end, she came to her husband Douglas Emhoff.

Дорогой, ты не мог бы мне ответить на один вопрос? У твоей матери есть ребенок. Но это не твой брат и не твоя сестра. Кто это?
Dear, could you answer one question for me? Your mother has a child. But this is not your brother and not your sister. Who is it?

Легко, это – я!
Easy, it's me!

Харрис вернулась к Байдену.
Harris returned to Biden.

Я тут провела некоторые исследования и теперь могу ответить на вопрос. Это – мой супруг Дуглас Эмхофф!
I've done some research here and now I can answer the question. It is my husband Douglas Emhoff!

Байден поднялся, схватил Харрис за плечи и яростно закричал:
Biden stood up, grabbed Harris by the shoulders and shouted furiously:

Нет, дура! Это – Борис Джонсон!
No, fool! It's Boris Johnson!

Archeus_Lore 7 June 5

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Now let's hear your Russian friend's jokes about Putin.

I hope they are at least funny.


Donald Trump was asked the same question. He answered, "Man Woman Person Camera TV".

Anyone that has ever bumped up against mental health knows he had been given a cognition test for dementia.
And he bragged about it for months.


I think to qualify as a joke, the punch line(s) must be funny. Sorry, Dude, that's not funny.

WillF Level 4 June 6, 2022

You are welcome to your opinion, and you were not required to read it.

i thought it was funny


The friend whose name sounds Russian makes a joke about the intelligence of the top two leaders of the US, while his own dictator crazily invades Ukraine? And then you post it here? You’re just trying to stir up trouble.

It's humor, get over it. I'm not allowed to have friends in Russia because you listen to the government that tells you who your enemies are, and you parrot it? I have known Andre for years, years before the main stream media started harping on Russia . . . .

@Archeus_Lore I am always amazed when people attribute thoughts or inferences to my statement that were never there.


Epic joke fail. Old and stale. 🙄

5 out of 8 thought it was funny . . . you've been out-voted.

@Archeus_Lore 🥱 it wasn’t funny, just a tired old joke switching names around to try and be relevant.


Joke fail.

Do you have the clock/fan one?

The failed plane parachute/backpack one?

Fail, hell!!! It is a fine joke, how many jokes do you know of that have a double punch line? However, you are welcome to add your own.

@Archeus_Lore It is a pathetic attempt at a stale joke that is at least a century old.
People insert political names and we now know that you are a trumpety dumpety I would guess.

@BufftonBeotch Guess again . . . . Sounds like you could not handle a little humor about your favorite clown. Biden and Trump are BOTH fools. WTF do people always assume that if you do not support one, you support the other, AND WTF do they have to react like BEOTCHES in a humor thread . . . . This IS a HUMOR thread, and if you cannot handle a little humor, and have to try to turn it all serious, then maybe you should just stay out of the thread.

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