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Puts a whole new light on it?

Petter 9 June 11

Enjoy being online again!

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I'd pay to see this. I really hate ironing, I do it only when absolutely necessary. I press while I'm sewing but that is absolutely necessary and usually not as persnickety as ironing.

I buy drip dry clothing. If something dries wrinkled I make a note of the brand, throw the item away, and never again buy that brand.

@Petter I try to buy permanent press clothing, but I also prefer natural fibers. Generally my clothing goes from washer to dryer to hanger. Most of the time any wrinkles fall out before I wear them again. If I really need to look sharp I might do a touch up with an iron, that hasn't been needed for such a long time. I try not to throw away clothing unless they are too worn to wear again, most of mine that are in decent shape are donated to charity. I realize most charities ship it overseas where it clogs up their system. Most days I'm in jeans and T shirts, it doesn't matter what I look like, I WFH. Since I've been mostly WFH for two years, I have worn some of my clothing to the point they were only good for the trash bin. That makes my frugal heart feel good.

@HippieChick58 I usually look for 75% cotton, with 25% polyester.

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