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Great responses to my first post. Thank you all!
Good point made - this site is about denying a god's existence so it is reasonable to discuss that.
What do I want to talk about? Everything else: science, literature, history, cars, wine, music, herpetology, botany, structural linguistics, astronomy, mountain climbing, long distance running, wine - oh - said that already...
I've only gotten active on this site since yesterday though - so I have no idea how many of these subjects have been covered.
How do you explain evolution to religious (that word again) people?

Andee 4 Apr 26

Enjoy being online again!

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Malaria! we have been trying to battle this disease for ages. Every time something works the selfish gene kicks in and it becomes like picking up quicksilver. Mosquitoes become DDT resistant. quinine no longer works etc. The only sure way not to get this is the evolutionary way humans have evolved but you have to have cycle cell anemia.


No problem in the UK. The majority of people with religious beliefs don't have issues with evolution. Christianity in the USA seems to be much more fundamentalist and leans more towards creationism. US eduation seems to encourage critical thinking even less than UK education. Id any religious person wanted to know how I explained evolution, I would tell them. it is not rocket science.j


I don't bother to try to explain evolution. If pressed, I'll tell them it's been proven, and I can back it up. Mutation and natural selection is so obvious, if it's out of their grasp, then they don't want to trust science. I don't really care that much if they don't believe scientific truths.


In my experience, there is no explaining evolution to creationists because as soon as they hear the word evolution they immediately retreat into their delusions and shut logic and reasoning out.


I don't believe in evolution either. I lean more toward Lloyd Pye's "Intervention Theory."

And I don't try to explain anything to believers.
If they try to argue about god, I nod vaguely and murmur "That's not what I believe," then change the subject before they can argue.
If they follow me to continue to argue, I just mumble, ""Um-hum," in a detached manner as though humoring a child, and wander out of the room.

This quickly trains people not to discuss religion with me.


It’s hard if they can consistently say “I don’t believe that”.


Not easy is it? ?


I don't try and tell religious people anything as I can't be bothered to argue but I guess that's why I'm on here.everything else is talked about freely, welcome.

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