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Ban on transgender swimmers competing in major woman’s events has been celebrated by athletes to scared of cancel culture to admit they all supported it . What’s fair is fair . Even Transgender females agree if you go through male puberty you should not be able to take medals away from females . Period.

bebe12 6 June 21

Enjoy being online again!

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It literally took 10 years, but better late than never.

BD66 Level 8 June 21, 2022

Anyone with an ounce of common sense and fairness has already said this a while back..


The solution of this issue is to have a trans competition. Or we could injest testosterone in all baby girls to make them look Vera de Milo.


Finally someone with some gluts to admit this

juli15 Level 7 June 21, 2022

And that's a transgender individual (Jenner) saying that no less...

Transgender people generally don't like her.

@thexter Well good for them then.

@SpikeTalon What I am getting at isn't that I disagree with Jenner, but when you remark "And that's a transgender individual (Jenner) saying that no less...," you are saying that she is an example of the transgender community.

I personally don't use somebody who is unpopular in their own community as an example of said community unless it is demonstrated that there is a large contingent. It's just bad taste because it implies that you are making an excuse.

@thexter Being Jenner is a trans individual, I'd venture to say she could qualify as an example of the trans community then, one voice of many so to speak.

That be your choice there, and I cannot verify your claim on that beyond any and all doubt, but I do know that other trans individuals out there love Jenner. That's your opinion on what I mentioned above being in bad taste, and all it implied was that a well known trans individual actually spoke out in favor of such a ban and that should be pause for further consideration on the matter. What I mentioned wasn't an excuse either, but rather an observation, so not sure where you got that one from.

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